Partner Ministries
A Place to Grow, Learn and Follow the Call of God
Axx Partners
Axx partners value and believe in a collaborative model of ministry. We want to combine our ministry strengths with like-minded churches, ministries and all who are called by God. Each of the Axx partners are committed to growing the Kingdom of God and acknowledging the giftedness and value of other ministries.
11 Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church. . . . 12 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. . . . 16 He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.
Ephesians 4: 11-16
Axx Partners - Church​
Acts Global Churches
Acts Global Churches is a second generation name for the Apostolic Church Australia. This initiative will focus on churches and movements in developed nations along with our current focus on growing greater connections in developing countries.
Apostolic Churches UK
The Apostolic Church is a network of churches that exist to communicate Christ to the nation and, to provide the legal framework to be able to do so, is constituted as a charitable trust.
Eurolead is a network of around 70 churches that meet each year for relationship, training and resourcing. To provide recognition and support for those who are active in service and require formal ordination in their ministry.
Axx Partners - Ministries​
The Lumo Project
LUMO is a groundbreaking, multi-language biblical resource that was created to transform the way in which people engage, discover, and study the life of Jesus through the Gospels, and to resource ministries seeking to promote global biblical literacy.
Urbanrevs is a practical, quick, bible-based training course for people who want to be effective chaplains or powerfully relevant followers of Jesus in their workplace and community.
jesus loves : the world
Our mission is to preach, teach and train on the Kingdom of God, creating resources in heart languages throughout the world. So that you will be established in His truth, rooted in His love and transformed in His power.
Bastion Systems
No fuss admin solutions for churches. So you can focus on what matters most. Manage your governing documents and board meetings.