Axx Bible College

Contribute to Free High Quality Pastor's Training

Support the Mission of Axx​

Equipping Pastors with High Quality to Grow Their Churches and Fulfill Their Calling

Reflecting on 2024: A Year of Impact
God has truly blessed our mission, and 2024 was a year of tremendous growth:

  • We enrolled 5,252 pastors from 134 countries into our free training programs.
  • We launched group training for 47 pastors in Papua New Guinea, creating spaces for shared learning and spiritual growth.
  • 2,600 pastors have now graduated from our programs, equipped to lead and serve their churches and communities with confidence, biblical knowledge and wisdom.

Our Vision for 2025: Breaking New Barriers

This year, we aim to break barriers by introducing AI video translation software to make our training accessible in even more languages and communities. Imagine the possibilities:

  • 72 English courses are ready to be translated, eliminating language barriers for thousands of pastors worldwide.
  • This innovative tool will dramatically expand our ability to provide high-quality training to those who need it most. 

Here’s a glimpse into the future: Watch a video of me speaking perfect French, thanks to this cutting-edge AI technology. Imagine the impact this can have across the globe!

How You Can Be a Part of This Mission
We are believing for $10,000 to fund this revolutionary software for one year. This investment has the potential to multiply our reach and effectiveness like never before.

 We invite you to:

  • Pray with us for a year of breakthroughs, growth, and impact.
  • Partner with us by giving to the mission of Axx, helping us provide free, life-changing training to pastors in 168 countries.

Together, we can provide free, world-class training to untrained pastors in 168 countries.

Your Support Will Train a Pastor - Be a Blessing Today!

24 ‘May the Lord bless you and protect you. 25 May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. 26 May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.’

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