Licentiate of Local Church Ministry

"The life function of the local church is to love the God who created it – to care for others out of obedience to Christ, to heal those who hurt, to take away fear, to restore community, to belong to one another, to proclaim the Good News while living it out. The church is the invisible made visible."
From AUD$95.00/mo
Flexible Choice (Monthly Subscriptions)

Academic Level



9-12 Months


Yes. Certificate of Completion

Study Method


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“One of the key needs in developing 21st century, disciples and leaders, is good biblical training. In AXX Global, we found this. It is a flexible, contemporary, affordable, platform which helps us achieve our desired spiritual and practical outcomes.”
Arthur and Dani 560 x 560 e1639105064543
Ps Arthur Cherrie

Licentiate of Local Church Ministry Overview

The Licentiate of Local Church Ministry qualification is specifically designed for people in ministry who are seeking to become advanced in their leadership and people skills. It is also for those wanting to transition into full-time ministry from a volunteer role or secular career.

This qualification allows you to further develop your ministry, leadership skills, biblical and theological knowledge. You will be equipped with the advanced skills required to lead a local church or ministry team.

What is a Licentiate of Local Church Ministry? Licentiate comes from the Latin licentia, “freedom” which is applied in the phrases licentia docendi meaning permission to teach and licentia ad practicandum signifying someone who holds a certificate of competence to practise a profession i.e. ministry, theology or parish life.

Graduates of the Licentiate of Local Church Ministry will be equipped with the skills they need for a wide range of senior leadership and ministry roles. Many graduates go into leadership roles, such as senior pastor, associate pastor or executive pastor, where they are using the leadership, biblical and ministry skills they have developed. Others have gone into key ministry roles, where they are primarily using their highly developed ministry, pastoral, creative and administrative gifts to help their church move forward. 

Who is theLicentiate of Local Church Ministry for

  • The Licentiate of Local Church Ministry is the perfect qualification for pastors already in ministry looking to step up in God and lead a church or ministry.
  • It is also ideal for those who seek to take on a greater role in the church by leading lead a ministry team such as associate pastor or executive pastor.
  • It also provides a great foundation for people transitioning into full-time ministry from a secular career.

What you will learn

Navigating Team Dynamics - Certified

  • How to bring change to a team situation and various approaches to effective Christian Leadership.
  • Demonstrate reflective practices relevant to being team leaders such as describing their own leadership style, skills and abilities and reflection on ministry case studies and practical experience.

Church Dynamics and Health - Certified

  • How to develop a holistic strategy for dynamic church development and health from a Pentecostal perspective. It is designed for those in Christian ministry to assist them to reflect on their own ministry situations.

Person & Work of Christ Part 1: Certified

  • How to understand key theological issues related to the Person and Work of Christ and analyses the historical development of the doctrines and issues related to the deity, humanity and atoning work of Christ.

Person & Work of Christ Part 2: Certified

  • How to understand key theological issues related to the Person and Work of Christ and the doctrines and issues related to the deity, humanity and atoning work of Christ.

Spirit-Filled Leadership & Acts: Certified - Part 1

  • Identify significant issues related to Pentecostal and Charismatic ministry and leadership including pentecostal history, theological issues, and the history and background of Acts.

Spirit-Filled Leadership & Acts: Certified - Part 2

  • Critically investigate the interpretation of Acts in relation to Pentecostal teaching on the leadership in the contemporary church.

Spirit-Filled Leadership & Acts: Certified - Part 3

  • Identify significant issues related to Pentecostal and charismatic ministry and leadership in the 21st century including Pentecost, spiritual warfare, healing and miracles.

Theology of the Church: Certified - Part 1

  • How to integrate the development of the church and the theology that has undergirded movements and trends of the global & local church.

Theology of the Church: Certified - Part 2

  • How to look at new and emerging philosophies that are developing in the church today.

Homiletics: Certified - Part 1

  • How to preach an expository, textual or topical sermon.

Homiletics: Certified - Part 2

  • How to preach the technical components of professional preaching including how to craft illustrations, effective non-verbal communication, weddings, funerals and difficult pastoral matters.

Included Courses

Preview Navigating Team Dynamics

In this course you’ll learn how to navigate some of the challenges associated with team dynamics. Topics covered in this course include conflict styles and resolutions, narcissism, success, status, ego, team reflexivity, virtual teams and more!

Curriculum Covered

  1. Conflict Introduction
  2. Recent Research in Conflict
  3. Conflict & Personality
  4. Conflict Styles
  5. Conflict Resolution
  6. Roles & Boundaries
  7. Dealing with Difficult People
  8. Virtual Teams
  9. Group Pressure to Conform
  10. Ethics in Teams
  11. Team Creativity & Innovation
  12. Introduction to Reflexivity
  13. Team Quality Management
  14. Narcissism
  15. Success, Status & Ego
  16. Encouragement
  17. What Really Matters

About your instructor

Nigel Pegram 150 x 150 opt

Dr Nigel Pegram

Nigel completed his Master of Theology, focusing on Old Testament Prophets. He has continued his study and completed his Doctor of Ministry, writing a dissertation on emotional intelligence and prevention of ministry burnout.

Course Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 129 reviews)
Very good2%

Insightful and helpful.


I hadn’t heard of the Big 5 personality types. I thoroughly enjoyed the learning as well as listening to the interviews with other teachers and Pastors. Applying the learning in to practice is bearing fruit already! Thank you.

Annette Posimani
Avatar for Annette Posimani

Insightful and helpful.


Thoroughly enjoyed the learning. Contributing toward a high functioning team is the responsibility of each individual. Building self and other awareness is an ongoing process toward my development and my contribution to any team. Mahalo.

Annette Posimani
Avatar for Annette Posimani

How to work in a team


In ministry we will have to work together with other people so this course is very helpful as it teaches how to navigate team dynamics, how to deal with conflicts and difficult people, and other important topics regarding working in a team.

Janet Giessl
Avatar for Janet Giessl
Church Dynamics & Health: Certified

Preview Church Dynamics and Health

This course aims to present students with a holistic strategy for dynamic church development and health from a Pentecostal perspective. It is designed for those in Christian ministry to assist them to reflect on their own ministry situations.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description & Additional Resources
  2. Challenges & Trends in the Church
  3. The Global Church
  4. The Local Church
  5. What’s a church to do?
  6. The Corporate Worship Gathering
  7. The Church Growth Movement
  8. Natural Church Development
  9. NCD Quality Characteristics & Biotic Principles
  10. Introducing NCLS Research
  11. Church Health NCLS Australia
  12. Purpose Driven Church
  13. Models of the Church
  14. Leadership
  15. Discipleship
  16. Spirit-Empowered People
  17. Vision & Values

About your instructor

Peter Downes

Dr Peter Downes

Peter describes himself as a teacher and trainer of Christians in a variety of contexts. He is committed to raising up disciples to reach their full potential, find their calling and to be lovers of Jesus and His word. Having served as an Anglican Priest in several parishes, Peter stepped out in 1990 as a Church Planter. He has planted 5 churches and a further 7 from churches he has lead. Peter has served as the National Director, Vineyard Churches Australia for more than 13 years. He holds a Doctor of Ministry (MST) 2012, where his thesis examined what the corporate worship gathering is about and impact of the Emerging Missional Church on the gathering and church life.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 26,814 reviews)
Very good7%

Overall effective Discipleship coverage


At first part 2 seemed to be misunderstood by me, and it seemed not in order, but as I persevered through part 2, it began to make sense. I find that the second part should be first and the first part second in making sense of the sequence, however, I found it to be a perfect mixture of personal, spiritual and professional development with an overall effective method towards developing Disciples of Christ. Thank you.

Penelope Jane Armstrong-Boehk
Avatar for Penelope Jane Armstrong-Boehk

Loved it


I personally loved the historical coverage of how thinking and doctrine has developed in church history. Overall, a very practical unit on the Holy Spirit. The interview were also quite good – it was interesting to hear a variety of experiences with the Holy Spirit, and all of them had some great practicalities to take away!

Avatar for MB

Loved it


I personally loved the historical coverage of how thinking and doctrine has developed in church history. Overall, a very practical unit on the Holy Spirit. The interview were also quite good – it was interesting to hear a variety of experiences with the Holy Spirit, and all of them had some great practicalities to take away!

Avatar for MB
Person & Work of Christ: Certified – Part 1

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This course discusses key theological issues related to the Person and Work of Christ and analyses the historical development of the doctrines and issues related to the deity, humanity and atoning work of Christ.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Prolegomena (Introductory Thoughts)
  3. Jesus in History
  4. Search for the Historical Jesus
  5. Jesus in the Old Testament
  6. Jesus in the Gospels
  7. Jesus in the New Testament
  8. Humanity of Jesus
  9. The Virgin Birth
  10. Heresy & the Humanity of Christ
  11. Responses to Heresies Concerning the Humanity of Christ
  12. The Deity of Jesus
  13. Heresy & the Divinity of Christ
  14. Responses to Heresies Concerning the Divinity of Christ
  15. Fully God and Fully Human
  16. Heresy and the Hypostatic Union
  17. Responses to Heresies Concerning the Hypostatic Union of Christ
  18. Jesus & the Trinity (1)
  19. Jesus & the Trinity (2)

About your instructor

Grant Buchanan

Pastor Grant Buchanan

Prior to Bible teaching, Grant served as a full-time pastor and school chaplain. Although a lecturer in theology and biblical studies with a focus on Pauline theology and the Gospels, Grant also operates as a professional counsellor and is working towards the completion of this Doctor of Philosophy by exploring a pneumatological reading of Galatians in light of 6:15 and the impact this has on Christian identify.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 647 reviews)
Very good5%

Very Informative


What a fantastic, in depth and educational course on Jesus, who He is, and what He’s done! Fantastic for anyone in ministry, especially if they’re facing questions about salvation

Avatar for MB

Very informative


What a fantastic, in depth and educational course on Jesus, who He is, and what He’s done! Fantastic for anyone in ministry, especially if they’re facing questions about salvation

Avatar for MB

Extremely interesting.. but getting complicated.


Enjoyed listening to the various lectures on the Person and Work of Christ. I am finding that the lectures are covering some complex ideas. There is a lot more to the Work of Christ than is obvious.

Lenny SB
Avatar for Lenny SB
Person & Work of Christ: Certified – Part 2

Play to Preview Person and Work of Christ

This course discusses key theological issues related to the Person and Work of Christ and analyses the historical development of the doctrines and issues related to the deity, humanity and atoning work of Christ.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Intro to the Work of Jesus
  3. Salvation & Atonement
  4. The Cross & Resurrection
  5. Extent of Atonement
  6. Worldview & Theology
  7. Biblical Metaphors 1
  8. Biblical Metaphors 2
  9. Theories 1
  10. Theories 2
  11. Theories 3
  12. Grace
  13. Election
  14. Calvinist-Arminian Debate
  15. Justification 1
  16. Justification 2
  17. Sanctification
  18. Adoption/Participation
  19. Contemporary Issues 1
  20. Contemporary Issues 2

About your instructor

Grant Buchanan

Pastor Grant Buchanan

Prior to Bible teaching, Grant served as a full-time pastor and school chaplain. Although a lecturer in theology and biblical studies with a focus on Pauline theology and the Gospels, Grant also operates as a professional counsellor and is working towards the completion of this Doctor of Philosophy by exploring a pneumatological reading of Galatians in light of 6:15 and the impact this has on Christian identify.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 647 reviews)
Very good5%

Very Informative


What a fantastic, in depth and educational course on Jesus, who He is, and what He’s done! Fantastic for anyone in ministry, especially if they’re facing questions about salvation

Avatar for MB

Very informative


What a fantastic, in depth and educational course on Jesus, who He is, and what He’s done! Fantastic for anyone in ministry, especially if they’re facing questions about salvation

Avatar for MB

Extremely interesting.. but getting complicated.


Enjoyed listening to the various lectures on the Person and Work of Christ. I am finding that the lectures are covering some complex ideas. There is a lot more to the Work of Christ than is obvious.

Lenny SB
Avatar for Lenny SB
Spirit Filled Leadership & Acts: Certified – Part 1

Preview Spirit Filled Leadership in Acts

Part 1 of this course will leads students through a self-critical analysis and reflection of Spirit-filled leadership issues including pentecostal history, theological issues, and the history and background of Acts.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description & Additional Resources
  2. Introduction
  3. Australian Pentecostal History (1)
  4. Australian Pentecostal History (2)
  5. Insights: Melinda Dwight Interview
  6. Leadership Models & Issues
  7. Ecclesiological Issues
  8. Theological Issues
  9. Pneumatological Issues
  10. Ethical & Missional Issues
  11. Introduction to Acts
  12. Critical Questions about Acts
  13. Structure of Acts
  14. Historical Context of Acts
  15. Jewishness of Acts (1)
  16. Jewishness of Acts (2)
  17. Jewishness of Acts (3)

About your instructor

Jon Newton 150 x 150 opt

Dr Jon Newton

John is an Associate Professor at Alphacrucis College after serving for nine years at Harvest Bible College, most recently as Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research. His goal is to promote Christian higher education and missions, including training students for Asia and Europe. Dr Jon’s Ph D was gained at Deakin University (conferred 2007) with a thesis entitled “Postmodernism, Christianity and the Book of Revelation.” The author of two books: Revelation Reclaimed: The Use and Misuse of the Apocalypse (Paternoster 2009) and The Revelation Worldview (Wipf and Stock 2015). I also edited New Frontiers: Redefining Christian Ministry for 21st Century Contexts (Mosaic 2013). I have also had a number of articles published in peer-reviewed journals such as Australian Biblical Review, Colloquium, Heythrop Journal and Journal of Pentecostal Theology. I am the editor of the Journal of Contemporary Ministry. Currently, I am working on a commentary on Revelation for a new Pentecostal commentary series. My other main research interest is Australian Pentecostalism.

Jeremy Weetman 150 x 150 opt

Pastor Jeremy Weetman

Jeremy has been in pastoral ministry for over twenty years. He and his wife plated the church they lead on the Gold Coast (Australia), Eikon Community, in 2006 and transitioned the congregation into a missional expression of church. He has served on various denominational committees and has been teaching in bible colleges since 2011. He is studying towards his Doctor of Ministry and is interested in sacred space and contemporary spirituality.

Course Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 132 reviews)
Very good5%

Truth from Act


I thank God because I have managed to get More teachings from the book of act,

Kevin Anduru
Avatar for Kevin Anduru

Thank Giving


Spiritual filled leadership is one of the important topic have learned,

It give directions how the apostle carried out the word of God

Kevin Anduru
Avatar for Kevin Anduru

Book of Acts leadership


I learned a lot from the book of Acts and the teaching really taught me on how lead successful as leader in the vineyard of God and how to resolve and respond as a leader in any situation.

God bless 🙏 all the teachers.

More Grace in Jesus 🙏 name.

Morenigbade Tunde Olalekan
Avatar for Morenigbade Tunde Olalekan
Spirit Filled Leadership & Acts: Certified – Part 2

Preview Spirit Filled Leadership in Acts

Part 2 of this course focuses on the leadership and development of the earliest church and how pentecostal have shaped their leadership in contemporary church based on the book of Acts.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description & Additional Resources
  2. Insights: Barry Chant Interview (1)
  3. Acts & the First Pentecostals
  4. Pentecostal Use of Acts
  5. Criticisms & Response to Pentecostal Theology
  6. Insights: Barry Chant Interview (2)
  7. Leadership in the Infant Church
  8. Leadership in the Developing Church
  9. Leadership Application from Acts
  10. Insights: Craig Keener Interview (1)
  11. Leadership Issues & Crises
  12. Local Church Governance
  13. Servant Leadership
  14. Women in Leadership
  15. Insights: Craig Keener Interview (2)
  16. Financial Issues
  17. Prayer

About your instructor

Jon Newton 150 x 150 opt

Dr Jon Newton

John is an Associate Professor at Alphacrucis College after serving for nine years at Harvest Bible College, most recently as Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research. His goal is to promote Christian higher education and missions, including training students for Asia and Europe. Dr Jon’s Ph D was gained at Deakin University (conferred 2007) with a thesis entitled “Postmodernism, Christianity and the Book of Revelation.” The author of two books: Revelation Reclaimed: The Use and Misuse of the Apocalypse (Paternoster 2009) and The Revelation Worldview (Wipf and Stock 2015). I also edited New Frontiers: Redefining Christian Ministry for 21st Century Contexts (Mosaic 2013). I have also had a number of articles published in peer-reviewed journals such as Australian Biblical Review, Colloquium, Heythrop Journal and Journal of Pentecostal Theology. I am the editor of the Journal of Contemporary Ministry. Currently, I am working on a commentary on Revelation for a new Pentecostal commentary series. My other main research interest is Australian Pentecostalism.

Jeremy Weetman 150 x 150 opt

Pastor Jeremy Weetman

Jeremy has been in pastoral ministry for over twenty years. He and his wife plated the church they lead on the Gold Coast (Australia), Eikon Community, in 2006 and transitioned the congregation into a missional expression of church. He has served on various denominational committees and has been teaching in bible colleges since 2011. He is studying towards his Doctor of Ministry and is interested in sacred space and contemporary spirituality.

Course Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 132 reviews)
Very good5%

Truth from Act


I thank God because I have managed to get More teachings from the book of act,

Kevin Anduru
Avatar for Kevin Anduru

Thank Giving


Spiritual filled leadership is one of the important topic have learned,

It give directions how the apostle carried out the word of God

Kevin Anduru
Avatar for Kevin Anduru

Book of Acts leadership


I learned a lot from the book of Acts and the teaching really taught me on how lead successful as leader in the vineyard of God and how to resolve and respond as a leader in any situation.

God bless 🙏 all the teachers.

More Grace in Jesus 🙏 name.

Morenigbade Tunde Olalekan
Avatar for Morenigbade Tunde Olalekan
Spirit Filled Leadership & Acts: Certified – Part 3

Preview Spirit Filled Leadership in Acts

Part 3 of this course will lead students through a self-critical analysis and reflection of Spirit-filled leadership issues including Pentecost, spiritual warfare, healing and miracles.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description & Additional Resources
  2. Liturgy
  3. Insights: Tex Houston Interview
  4. Pentecost (1)
  5. Pentecost (2)
  6. Insights: Jon Newton Interview
  7. Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance
  8. Healing in Acts
  9. Miracles in Acts
  10. Insights: Craig Keener Interview (3)
  11. Missiological Perspectives (1)
  12. Missiological Perspectives (2)
  13. Missiological Perspectives (3)
  14. Insights: Cin Do Kham Interview
  15. Preaching in Acts
  16. Teaching in Acts
  17. Synthesizing & Applying Acts

About your instructor

Jon Newton 150 x 150 opt

Dr Jon Newton

John is an Associate Professor at Alphacrucis College after serving for nine years at Harvest Bible College, most recently as Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research. His goal is to promote Christian higher education and missions, including training students for Asia and Europe. Dr Jon’s Ph D was gained at Deakin University (conferred 2007) with a thesis entitled “Postmodernism, Christianity and the Book of Revelation.” The author of two books: Revelation Reclaimed: The Use and Misuse of the Apocalypse (Paternoster 2009) and The Revelation Worldview (Wipf and Stock 2015). I also edited New Frontiers: Redefining Christian Ministry for 21st Century Contexts (Mosaic 2013). I have also had a number of articles published in peer-reviewed journals such as Australian Biblical Review, Colloquium, Heythrop Journal and Journal of Pentecostal Theology. I am the editor of the Journal of Contemporary Ministry. Currently, I am working on a commentary on Revelation for a new Pentecostal commentary series. My other main research interest is Australian Pentecostalism.

Jeremy Weetman 150 x 150 opt

Pastor Jeremy Weetman

Jeremy has been in pastoral ministry for over twenty years. He and his wife plated the church they lead on the Gold Coast (Australia), Eikon Community, in 2006 and transitioned the congregation into a missional expression of church. He has served on various denominational committees and has been teaching in bible colleges since 2011. He is studying towards his Doctor of Ministry and is interested in sacred space and contemporary spirituality.

Course Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 132 reviews)
Very good5%

Truth from Act


I thank God because I have managed to get More teachings from the book of act,

Kevin Anduru
Avatar for Kevin Anduru

Thank Giving


Spiritual filled leadership is one of the important topic have learned,

It give directions how the apostle carried out the word of God

Kevin Anduru
Avatar for Kevin Anduru

Book of Acts leadership


I learned a lot from the book of Acts and the teaching really taught me on how lead successful as leader in the vineyard of God and how to resolve and respond as a leader in any situation.

God bless 🙏 all the teachers.

More Grace in Jesus 🙏 name.

Morenigbade Tunde Olalekan
Avatar for Morenigbade Tunde Olalekan
Theology of the Church: Certified – Part 1

Play to Preview Theology of the Church

Grant Buchanan walks us through the development of the church and the theology that has undergirded movements and trends of the global & local church. He also takes a look at new and emerging philosophies that are developing in the church today.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description & Additional Resources
  2. Course Introduction
  3. Definitions
  4. The Church in the New Testament
  5. What the Church is…
  6. The Origin of the Church
  7. The Purpose of the Church (1)
  8. The Purpose of the Church (2)
  9. The Marks & Nature of the Church
  10. Church Universal & Local
  11. The Church & the Kingdom
  12. The Sacraments (1) Introduction
  13. The Sacraments (2) Baptism
  14. The Sacraments (3) The Lord’s Supper
  15. Worship

About your instructor

Grant Buchanan

Pastor Grant Buchanan

Prior to Bible teaching, Grant served as a full-time pastor and school chaplain. Although a lecturer in theology and biblical studies with a focus on Pauline theology and the Gospels, Grant also operates as a professional counsellor and is working towards the completion of this Doctor of Philosophy by exploring a pneumatological reading of Galatians in light of 6:15 and the impact this has on Christian identify.

Course Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 196 reviews)
Very good4%



Healthy church is Christ being the foundation


Trusting God


God has helped me out this far, through your teachings


Thanks axx


Very insightful topic

Theology of the Church: Certified – Part 2

Play to Preview Theology of the Church

Grant Buchanan walks us through the development of the church and the theology that has undergirded movements and trends of the global & local church. He also takes a look at new and emerging philosophies that are developing in the church today.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Leadership & Ministry
  3. Leadership Ascension Gifts
  4. Leadership Administration Gifts
  5. Leadership Governance
  6. Leadership & Authority
  7. Church Health & Growth Indicators
  8. Natural Church Development (NCD)
  9. Church Health: REVEAL
  10. Church Health: Tony Morgan
  11. Profile of a Healthy Church
  12. Evangelism & Mission
  13. The Missiological Church
  14. What is Mission?
  15. Emerging Ecclesiology
  16. Missional Ecclesiology
  17. Contemporary Examples (1) Local
  18. Contemporary Examples (2) Global
  19. Pentecostal Ecclesiology
  20. The Destiny of the Church

About your instructor

Grant Buchanan

Pastor Grant Buchanan

Prior to Bible teaching, Grant served as a full-time pastor and school chaplain. Although a lecturer in theology and biblical studies with a focus on Pauline theology and the Gospels, Grant also operates as a professional counsellor and is working towards the completion of this Doctor of Philosophy by exploring a pneumatological reading of Galatians in light of 6:15 and the impact this has on Christian identify.

Course Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 196 reviews)
Very good4%



Healthy church is Christ being the foundation


Trusting God


God has helped me out this far, through your teachings


Thanks axx


Very insightful topic

Homiletics: Certified – Part 1

Preview Homiletics

This course gives you an introduction to the role, function and theological framework of preaching, as you develop your understanding of the ministry from a biblical perspective.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description & Additional Resources
  2. Learning to Preach
  3. The Danger of Preaching
  4. The Duty of a Preacher
  5. The Development & Devotion of the Preacher
  6. The Historical Development of Preaching (1)
  7. The Historical Development of Preaching (2)
  8. The Theological Foundation of Preaching
  9. The Introduction
  10. The Conclusion
  11. Accurate Interpretation (1)
  12. Accurate Interpretation (2)
  13. Accurate Application
  14. Sermon Preparation
  15. Expository Sermons
  16. Textual, Thematic & Doctrinal Sermons
  17. Topical Sermons
  18. Exegetical Sermons vs Topical Sermons

About your instructor

Markus Richardson

Dr Markus Richardson

Markus was ordained to Anglican Ministry in 1987 and worked for 14 years in outback rural and regional towns in New South Wales. He is a trained counsellor with degrees in psychology and theology. Markus served as a Police Chaplain for ten years. He completed his Doctorate in Leadership in 2010. He is an experienced coach and is an accredited Bar-On EQ Inventory and Leadership Development Profile facilitator.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 39 reviews)
Very good8%



A minister preacher must be equipped with both learning and unlearning skills if one has to be effective servant of the most high God. It’s not the preacher message it’s God’s message to his people who amongst is the preacher. We must allow the Holly spirit to to God’s people and ourselves, else we find ourselves blocking the same message we’re preaching.

Pastor Peter kinyua Njiru
Avatar for Pastor Peter kinyua Njiru



Understanding the delivery of the message is very important to a minister to expound and deliver to the best of the message as from the same message directly from the messager who’s God.

Pastor Peter kinyua Njiru
Avatar for Pastor Peter kinyua Njiru



I now understand the three methods of preaching

Apostle Kevin Liyayi
Avatar for Apostle Kevin Liyayi
Homiletics: Certified – Part 2

Preview Homiletics

You’ll learn from experienced preachers. This course explores some of the technical components of professional preaching including how to craft illustrations, effective non-verbal communication, weddings, funerals and difficult pastoral matters.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description & Additional Resources
  2. Biblical Preaching
  3. Stories & Illustrations (1)
  4. Stories & Illustrations (2)
  5. Non-Verbal Delivery
  6. Using Notes
  7. Using Audio & Visuals
  8. Verbal Delivery
  9. Pathos & Peculiarities
  10. The 7 Axioms
  11. Preaching at Weddings
  12. Preaching at Funerals & Memorials
  13. Preaching on Difficult Pastoral Matters (1)
  14. Preaching on Difficult Pastoral Matters (2)
  15. Preaching Cross-Culturally
  16. Evaluating Sermons
  17. How I Prepare & Preach (1)
  18. How I Prepare & Preach (2)

About your instructor

Markus Richardson

Dr Markus Richardson

Markus was ordained to Anglican Ministry in 1987 and worked for 14 years in outback rural and regional towns in New South Wales. He is a trained counsellor with degrees in psychology and theology. Markus served as a Police Chaplain for ten years. He completed his Doctorate in Leadership in 2010. He is an experienced coach and is an accredited Bar-On EQ Inventory and Leadership Development Profile facilitator.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 39 reviews)
Very good8%



A minister preacher must be equipped with both learning and unlearning skills if one has to be effective servant of the most high God. It’s not the preacher message it’s God’s message to his people who amongst is the preacher. We must allow the Holly spirit to to God’s people and ourselves, else we find ourselves blocking the same message we’re preaching.

Pastor Peter kinyua Njiru
Avatar for Pastor Peter kinyua Njiru



Understanding the delivery of the message is very important to a minister to expound and deliver to the best of the message as from the same message directly from the messager who’s God.

Pastor Peter kinyua Njiru
Avatar for Pastor Peter kinyua Njiru



I now understand the three methods of preaching

Apostle Kevin Liyayi
Avatar for Apostle Kevin Liyayi

Licentiate of Local Church Ministry Enrolment Options

Monthly Subscription

$AUD 95 / mo
  • 11 Specifically Designed Courses
  • Access with an active subscription
  • Certified Training
  • 195 Lessons

3 Monthly Payments

$AUD 300
  • 11 Specifically Designed Courses
  • Lifetime access to all resources
  • Certified Training
  • 195 Lessons
Best Value

Upfront Payment

$AUD 745
  • 11 Specifically Designed Courses
  • Lifetime access to all resources
  • Certified Training
  • 195 Lessons

Licentiate of Local Church Ministry Snapshot

  • 11 specifically designed courses
  • 195 lessons
  • 65 hours on-demand video
  • Certification
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on computer, mobile devices and TV
  • All learning resources, handouts and E-library at no extra cost
  • Personalised Certified Certificate of Completion

Licentiate of Local Church Ministry Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 5 reviews)
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Enlightening and informative


Avatar for F L

Thanks Axx for empowerment for ministry am now strong to stand firm in the gospel


Apostle Kevin Liyayi
Avatar for Apostle Kevin Liyayi

I therefore give Axx permission to share my testimony


Christopher Lubinda mukelabai Nakwambwa
Avatar for Christopher Lubinda mukelabai Nakwambwa

Licentiate of Local Church Ministry Requirements

  • Students should have completed the Advanced Certification of Local Church Ministry
  • If you have relevant ministry experience or previous training then you can commence this qualification immediately. If you would like to course advice on this qualification please contact us on or book a phone call
  • The Licentiate of Local Church Ministry requires a desire to be active in full-time ministry and or learning how to prepare for it.
  • Students should have a solid understanding of the concepts of the Bible, theology, spiritual formation and pastoral ministry.
  • A love of God and people.
  • A love of the local church.
  • Learners are welcome to commence this qualification at any time
  • A computer, tablet or smartphone is required
  • No additional software is required
  • Internet connection is required
  • Lessons are presented in English

All assessment tasks must be completed to be certified

  • Learners are required to complete all video lessons
  • Each lesson has a short multiple choice quiz
  • There are no essays to be written in this qualification
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