Certification of Church Planting
Academic Level
9-12 Months
Yes. Certificate of Completion
Study Method
Play to Preview Certification of Church Planting
![Certification of Church Planting 1 Brent Choonya 1 e1652333524590](https://axx.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Brent-Choonya-1-e1652333524590.jpg)
Certification of Church Planting Overview
The Certification of Church Planting course qualification equips ministers & potential ministers with the foundational biblical, practical, theological skills & knowledge to begin and establish a new Church.
The Church Planting course will examine various models of Church planting like new pioneer churches, satellite churches or developing an established Church. You will also learn how to build a highly motivated team.
Who is the Certification of Church Planting for
What you will learn
God’s Call Your Response
Analyse & Apply the Bible
Personal Management & Spiritual Health
Introduction to the Biblical Narrative
Theology of God
Planting & Developing Churches
Crossing Cultures
Sermon Design & Delivery
Included Courses
Play to Preview God's Call Your Response
This course is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to investigate and integrate biblical principles of the call of God for ministry into a personal ministry development strategy.
Curriculum Covered
- Course Description
- Introduction to the Course
- What is a Call?
- Defining Ministry
- Understanding Mission
- General & Specific Call
- Obedience
- Unique Aspects of Ministry (Interview)
- Reclaiming the Discipleship Call
- Allowing Scripture to Define & Direct
- Historical Look at Ministry
- Church-Based Ministry
- Marketplace Ministry
- Community-Based Ministry
- Platforms for the Call
- OT Example: Nehemiah
- NT Example: Peter
- Unusual Callings
- The Ministry Zone (Part 1)
- The Ministry Zone (Part 2)
- The Ministry Zone (Part 3)
- The Ministry Zone (Part 4)
- Hearing the Voice of God
- Recognising the Voice of God
- How to Hear the Voice of God
- Processing Moments of Call
- Gifts & Calling
- Involving & Aligning
- A Kingdom Perspective
- Called to Go
About your instructor
![Certification of Church Planting 2 Brendan 01 150 x150 opt](https://axx.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Brendan-01-150-x150-opt.webp)
Dr Brendan Roach
Founder and CEO of Axx. Dr Brendan Roach has been involved in the professional development and training of pastors and leaders globally for over 25 years. His Biblical expertise is Biblical Archaeology, Leadership Development, First Century History and the Call to Ministry.
![Certification of Church Planting 3 Regan Perry](https://axx.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Regan-Perry-150-x-150-opt.webp)
Regan Perry
Regan firmly believes that you never stop learning and enjoys creating pathways for others to discover their full potential. He has lead & served on church staff, coordinating teams & interns, and overseen ministry programs and campus facilities.
Course Reviews
I would like that you get me chance, I feel free because I meet god even you. I will change my life. Today I will start follow up with jesus. I feel God he get opportunity for ways forward.
God call into my life
I Learn much more of God calls in my life and how to response
Call of God is amazing
Excellent course with lots of helpful information and lessons in life as well. Outstanding lectors and brilliant lessons taught in a way to understand clearly. Thank you.
Play Course Preview Analyse & Apply the Bible
This series of lessons is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to utilise the features of a study Bible, as well as historical and cultural analysis to compose an accurate application of a biblical passage.
Curriculum Covered
- Course Description
- Introduction to Interpretation
- Introduction to Study Bibles
- A Pattern for Application
- Look for Clues
- Original Audience & Historical Context
- Researching Historical Context
- Genre Pitfalls (Part 1)
- Genre Pitfalls (Part 2)
- Literary Context
- Observation
- From Analysis to Meaning
- But we are different… aren’t we?
- Meaning to Application
- Summary & Example
About your instructor
![Certification of Church Planting 7 Andrew Groza 150 x 150 opt](https://axx.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Andrew-Groza-150-x-150-opt.webp)
Pastor Andrew Groza
Andrew is an experienced Pastor with a demonstrated history of working in the e-learning industry. Skilled in non-profit organizations, E-Learning, coaching, organizational development, and instructional design. Andrew holds a Master of Arts in Ministry from Harvest Bible College.
Course Reviews
This was very informative and helpful
Introduction to The Biblical Narrative
One of the greatest strengths of studying the Word of God is its ability to speak across generations. The principles found within scripture remain relevant, offering wisdom for contemporary issues. The various translations available also make the Bible accessible, catering to different reading preferences and comprehension levels.
However, one weakness can be the complexity of certain passages, which may lead to confusion or misinterpretation without proper guidance. Additionally, some may struggle with the historical and cultural contexts that can be challenging to grasp.
In conclusion, Studying the Word of God is a rewarding endeavor that deepens one’s faith and understanding. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking spiritual growth, comfort, or guidance. Whether a seasoned believer or new to scripture, there is always something new to discover. The Bible not only transforms our understanding of God but also our relationships with others and ourselves. I hope that more people will embark on this journey, finding the profound truths that the Word of God offers.
The Bible read text interpretation by a community of believers should be treated as a whole text and not an isolation.The chosenscriptural text should target the audience explicitly and exhaustedly as a message and address the underlaying gospel issues to counsel,warn,redeem and grace the text preservation within historical, literary,social or geopolitical and cross cultural community of believers.Too,text if clauses,verbs used,adjectives,sounds as of slang words(Woop in Australia)should be considered their former or presently intended meaning to the audience.Moreover,complicated texts as 1Kings 18, Deuteronomy select chapter like 22,should be identified of the principle within and perhaps be summarised with a clearer and a short text expression for increased audience to target group leading to understanding.Still,expressions can take or loose a particularly intended meaning to the seen or foreseen audience formerly existing, currently or living in God’s believe in that future of their faith life.Ie:1Timothy 6:10,”Money is the root form of all evils,”may not be true to all locations or groups applications for there are various portions of evils caused and not effected by money yet they are evils,to exemplify:prostitution,drugs and substance abuse,human ignorance to lead procrastination of activities,”Pastor,Jenii saying that she will preach when she wants…”
Eventually and ideally,let the studied text be united as a reading,evaluative and an applied communicate writing to the targeted audience while importing and exporting the best meaning of the scriptural select write up.Thank you.
Preview Personal Management & Spiritual Health
This course is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to apply holistic Christian practices and personal management skills.
Curriculum Covered
- Course Description
- Course Introduction
- Make the main thing the main thing
- Spiritual Disciplines – Growth
- Spiritual Disciplines – Practicalities
- Introduction to Identity
- Building a Healthy Self
- Values
- Christian Values
- Personal Mission Statement
- Goals
- Prioritising & Time Management – priorities and the 4 quadrants
- Prioritising & Time Management – organising & executing
- Health & Wholeness
- Goals – review and evaluation
- Our life together. Authority, Leadership & Governance
About your instructor
![Certification of Church Planting 11 Amelia Pickering 150 x 150 opt](https://axx.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Amelia-Pickering-150-x-150-opt.webp)
Amelia Pickering
Amelia has had a diverse career thus far, one dedicated to working towards building a better world and empowering others to do the same. Over the past 25 years, her passion for leadership, academia and social justice has led her to pioneer an adult literacy and numeracy school for the disadvantaged, assume the role of university VP and run a social enterprise focused on increasing EQ within corporations and NFPs. This, along with her interest and acumen for social impact and investment strategy, has afforded her the opportunity to work with various NPFs in creating holistic frameworks for change and mobilise capital for impact.
Course Reviews
Personal health management has enlighten me about my self
This teaching concerning personal health management has throw much light on knowing my self( capabilities and incapabilities). The process to go through in other to achieve my goals and dreams
The course was very beneficial for my spiritual growth
Personal management and spiritual Heath
Hey brethren have learn that, important and ungent, powerful words that l learned today, others , Health and wholeness and more and many examples of God’s people, thanks be blessed Amen
Play Course Preview Introduction to the Biblical Narrative
This course presents a ‘bird’s eye view’ of the Bible as one story. Each teaching is aimed at equipping learners with the skills and knowledge required to evaluate, communicate and apply the biblical narrative to a specific contemporary ministry context.
Curriculum Covered
- Course Description
- Seeing the Bible as One Story
- Orientation/Creation
- The Plot: Solution: The Patriarchal Narratives
- YHWH is crowned Israel’s King
- The Former Prophets: from Conquest to Exile
- The Ups & Downs of Samuel
- The Latter Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel & Twelve
- Jeremiah: The Weeping Prophet
- The Writings
- Lamentations: the Shedding of Righteous Blood
- Who is Jesus?
- The Crescendo of Jesus
- The New Covenant
- Epistles: New Covenant Prophets
- Good Deeds are Essential
- The Hope of Resurrection
About your instructor
![Certification of Church Planting 15 Matthew Jarlett 150 x 150 opt](https://axx.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Matthew-Jarlett-150-x-150-opt.webp)
Matthew Jarlett
Following the completion of his Bachelor of Arts (Biblical Studies), Matthew assumed the Vocational Education Course Supervisor role with Harvest Bible College.
Course Reviews
Biblical narrative
The lectures on biblical narrative are very enlightening. They help one to understand the fusion between historical and cultural contexts, and literary contexts of the various biblical writings from creation and how these affect our understanding of the Bible and its application in our contemporary context.
Good teaching
I love the delivery of content that simplifies even the add concepts.
The summary of is very enriching.
The Bible has to faithfully be reviewed as one spiritually attributed life breathing story.Suddenly Adamic life is bestowed at the Eden of grace,it falls to sin that YHWH judges as death.This truth is exposed in Genesis 3 but in Genesis 4:25-26, Adam’s Seth sirs Enosh who obeys to build the Yahweh’s Church(ekklesia) and the God’s redemption visits that generation.However,there are ups and downs as narrated of former prophets to the latter prophets who are Joshua,Samuel,judges,Kings and Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the twelve respectively.Too,the israelites life takes curve from conquest to exile until the crescendo of Yahweh believed King redeems them through His sent messengers even of apostles as of good news turning points by mystery even to calling once gentiles like Saul to one gospel faith and baptism of chains of preaching grace of repentance to all men.(Matthew 28:19,Acts 9:1-13).
Truly,Christ is living amongst us even now saying I came to those who never sought me(Isaiah 65:1-2) and here He brings life to those willing to obey His will of truth of worship and qualify to eat the best from the land.(Isaiah 1:19,John 4:23).
Therefore,hear only Jesus word voice as the holy spirit presented to us in Matthew 3:17 and you will be planted in the whole land of Israel by Lord’s eternal deliverance never to be uprooted again from David’s Heavenly Ordained and Godly kingdom where Messiah the beloved chose to appear as mercy and love that endures forever amen.
(Amos 9:15, Jeremiah 32:39-40,Psalm 118:29.
Preview Theology of God Course
This course introduces the theology of God, as you explore the relevance of theology, the Trinity in the Old and New Testament, the Person and Work of Christ and the Holy Spirit, as well as the gifts and fruits of the Spirit.
Curriculum Covered
- Course Description
- Introduction & Relevance
- Talking Theology
- Introducing the Trinity
- Trinity in the Old Testament
- Trinity in the New Testament
- God as Trinity
- Trinity as Community
- Historical Misconceptions
- God the Father
- God the Son
- God the Holy Spirit
- Trinity Together
- The Work of Christ
- The Work of the Holy Spirit
- Gifts & Fruit of the Spirit
About your instructor
![Certification of Church Planting 19 DJ Konz 150 x 150 opt](https://axx.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/DJ-Konz-150-x-150-opt.webp)
Dr DJ Konz
DJ is Associate Dean of the Faculty of Theology, and Head of the Theology Department, at Alphacrucis College. DJ comes from a background in the Christian Non-Profit sector, most recently as the Executive Director of Advocacy at Compassion Australia. He wrote his doctoral dissertation at the University of Aberdeen on the child in the thought of Karl Barth, and his wider teaching and research areas include systematic and historical theology (especially Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer), as well as mission theology, public and political theology, and child theology. He is the co-editor of Theology, Mission and Child: Global Perspectives (Oxford: Regnum, 2014) and has published various book chapters and journal articles.
![Certification of Church Planting 20 Jeremy Weetman 150 x 150 opt](https://axx.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Jeremy-Weetman-150-x-150-opt.webp)
Pastor Jeremy Weetman
Jeremy has been in pastoral ministry for over twenty years. He and his wife plated the church they lead on the Gold Coast (Australia), Eikon Community, in 2006 and transitioned the congregation into a missional expression of church. He has served on various denominational committees and has been teaching in bible colleges since 2011. He is studying towards his Doctor of Ministry and is interested in sacred space and contemporary spirituality.
Course Reviews
It is helping refresh previous studies
Thank you
I learned a lot through doing these assessments and it has been excellent to draw nearer to God this way, thank you.
found this unit informative and was great to learn about the heresy from the early Christian days, and the correlation between the beliefs of those in the early church and wider community belief today.
Play to Preview Planting & Developing Churches
This course equips and inspires ministers and potential ministers to become involved in Church Planting and developing churches. It deals with Church Growth and Health principles to the planting and development of a local congregation.
Curriculum Covered
- Planting & Developing Churches Course Description Part 1
- Introduction to Planting & Developing Churches
- Jesus & the Harvest
- Biblical Foundations of Church Planting
- Jesus & the Gospel of the Kingdom
- The Early Church & Lessons for Now
- Why Church Planting is the Best Way to Win the Lost
- Evangelism in the New Church Plant
- Discipleship & Church Planting
- Case Study: Church Planting & University Ministry Thailand
- Case Study: The Satellite Church Planting Model
- Case Study: Starting from Scratch – Lightpoint Church
- Rick Warren & The Saddleback Church
- 8 Essential Quality Characteristics of a Healthy Church
- People Groups & Church Planting
- Cultural Diversity and Church Planting
- Starting Strong: Preparing for Church Planting
- Imperatives for Church Planting
About your instructor
![Certification of Church Planting 24 Ian Grant 150 x 150 opt](https://axx.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Ian-Grant-150-x-150-opt.webp)
Dr Ian Grant
Ian is an experienced Vice-President Emeritus with a demonstrated history of executive leadership, curriculum development, postgraduate teaching and accreditation, in theological education and ministry training in Australian and international contexts, including in the e-learning industry. He is skilled in Lecturing, Coaching, Managing Teams, Conflict Resolution. Ian holds a PhD focused on cultural intelligence, anthropology, contextualised leadership, cultural and religious change, intercultural communication and Majority World Christianity from Monash University.
Course Reviews
Planting Planet of Eternal Life
Truly only the faith of the Christ Jesus the only beloved son of Almighty Father of all perfect heavenly gifts can by grace command a called apostle to rise up courageously and reach the ends of earth as a souls winner of good news of mercy,joy and justice.However,to establish a Lord Jesus faithfully planted people’s group,one must have been embraced by the miraculous grace of the holy spirit of all truth from God the spirit.(John 4:23-24).
Still,I learnt that whoever God calls He shall equip spiritually,financially,by projected visions and interpreted dreams of church dimensional growth of sent partners to handle the targeted groups revolution of prayer,leadership and fellowships worship.
Again,a called disciple must understand the group target to serve to the ministry for instance the prisoners,the widows,the kids ministry,the nations evangelism on youth,the elderly,the employed class of democracies etc.
Eventially,due to diversified communities rich cultures one should separate the principles of group of individuals and find a health method that gathers the catch to the salvation spirit of Jesus gospel of sin repentance to obtaining Jesus mercy and love that draws lost sheep to everlasting life.(John 10:10).Moreover,I resolved that Church planting may not always be a smooth curve for it may challenge one beginning from a scratch and who is jobless so sometimes we need to prepare the gospel cost in advance or rather gain positively supportive friends and companies who will aid the Jesus spiritual souls saving development.(Paul praises and blesses the Only Philippians church that had the same gospel mind to support him while with him and always out on Ephesus saving of beasts wrestling mission.(Philippians 4:15-19.)
Above all patience is seen a lead to possessing heaven and earth ministry that Jesus gave us always assured by the prayer of a righteous man day and night.(Luke 21:19&36)
For it is a must storms will arise as to the disciples Galilee boat but truth is that when we call Jesus of faith the troubled sea will be calm with its waters to honour us to sail through Jesus rebuke of it to give peace of Jesus name its way Amen.(Mark 4:39).
A digest of grace relief is that surely He Jesus who begun the preaching work will complete it amen.(Philippians 1:6).
Starry Soita Maundu,
church planting
it deals with an individual determined with answering he great commission.
such people should be self motivated and determined to go to people groups and live in the people groups cultures so they will be accepted by them
The journey of planting and developing a church is one of the most profound and challenging callings in the ministry. For any pastor or church planter, it begins with a personal conviction and a divine calling from God. Alongside this calling,the role of a spiritual mentor becomes pivotal in guiding and nurturing the planters mission , helping to shape shape the moni according to God’s purpose. In this essay we explore the concept of being called by God , the importance of heading that call and the invaluable influence of spiritual mentorship in the journey of church planting and development.
The call o God is deep , spiritual awareness and direction that one is chosen for a specific purpose within His kingdom. For a church planter, this call often starts with a vision- a burden fir a particular community, revelation to tep into ministry. The Bible provides numerous examples of God’s call to leaders , including moses , who was called to deliver the Israelites; jeremiah, who was chosen to prophesy despite his youth; and Paul, who was converted and called to be a missionary to the Gentiles.
Each of these figures responded with faith , recognizing that it was God who was initiating, empowering, and directing their mission.
For modern church planters , answering the call means committing oneself to buil up a community of believers and making disciples who will advance the kingdom of God . The call does not promise ease but requires obedience , perseverance, and a heart that continually seeks God’s guidance. It is a commitment to not only reach people with the gospel but also to establish a sustainable, christ -centered community that can grow and multiply.
Spiritual mentorship 8s a significant asset to anyone called to plant and develop a church. As spiritual mentor often someone experienced in ministry, knowledgeable in scriptures, and led by the holyspirit. They play an essential role in shaping , advising, and and encouraging the church planter. Mentorship and personal accountability structure that can help can help a new church leader navigate complexities of ministry.
Mentorship brings several specific benefits. First a Mentor can help church planter understand their strengths and weaknesses, offering feedback on how to grow in areas that require development. Second , mentors often shre personal experiences. Including failures and successes which provide learning opportunities for the planter . Third, a mentor can offer encouragement and reassurance. Especially during seasons of discouragement or hardship. Lastly, mentors also provide a godly example, demonstrating what it means to live out a calling in faithful obedience and humility.
In the context of church development, a spiritual mentor contribution to the growth and stability of the newly planted church. As the church grows , it faces various challenges, such as resources management, discipleship building, and leadership structuring. A mentor ‘ s guidance can help the church remains focused on its mission rather than being swayed by pressures or distractions.
Additionally, a mentor can guide the planter in developing a spiritual vision for the church , encouraging the planter to seek God’s will continually and adapt as needed. They can also offer wisdom in identifying and nurturing other emerging leader within the church, ensuring that there is a stable foundation for future growth.
While both calling and mentorship are essential, a church planter must learn to balance their personal relationship with God and their relationship with their mentor. It’s important for a church planter to remember that, while mentor offer guidance, the ultimate direction must come from the Lord . Effective church planting requires dependence on the holyspirit, and the planter must be ready to hear and respond to God’s unique directives, even if they differ from human advice.
Spiritual mentors themselves recognise this balance, understanding that their role is not to control or dictate but to support and encourage the planters in hearing and obeying God’s voice . Mentorship, in this sense, becomes a dynamic partship- a shared journey of discovering and fulfilling God’s will for the church.
Being called by God to plant and develop a church is both a privilege and a profound responsibility. The journey requires an unwavering commitment to God’s call and a willingness to face challenges with faith. A spiritual mentor plays a crucial role on this journey, offering wisdom, encouragement, and guidance that help shape a planters vision and ministry. Together, the call of God and the support of a mentor create a foundation for effective, enduring church planting and development, enabling the church planter to carry out God’s mission with clarity and confidence. In the end, this collaborative relationship honors God and strengthens His church, furthering His kingdom on earth.
Play Course Preview Crossing Cultures
In this course, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and frameworks in how to effectively take the gospel around the world and communicate it to cultures that are different to your own.
Curriculum Covered
- Course Introduction
- Biblical Basis for Mission
- Why Mission?
- How do we do Mission?
- Understanding Culture
- God & World Cultures
- Contextualisation
- Global Trends in Mission
- Mission Trends (1)
- Mission Trends (2)
- Models of Mission Work (1)
- Models of Mission Work (2)
- Models of Mission Work (3)
- Models of Mission Work (4)
- Case Study: Urban Missions (1)
- Case Study: Urban Missions (2)
- Case Study: Urban Missions (3)
- Case Study: Urban Missions (4)
- The Practicalities of Going Cross-Cultural
- Dealing with Spiritual Props
- Character
- Cross-Cultural Stress
- The Missionary Call
- Paul’s Methods (Case Study)
- Keys for Effective Cross-Cultural Work (1)
- Keys for Effective Cross-Cultural Work (2)
- Short-Term Mission Trips (1)
- Short-Term Mission Trips (2)
- Short-Term Mission Trips (3)
- Crossing Cultures Course Review
About your instructor
![Certification of Church Planting 28 Kay Dohle 150 x 150 opt](https://axx.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Kay-Dohle-150-x-150-opt.webp)
Pastor Kay Dohle
Kay has dedicated her life to ministry. After pioneering a Young Adult Ministry training program at her local church, she then relocated to Asia as Mobilisations & Placement Officer with Assemblies of God World Missions. Since returning to Australia she has held senior leadership roles with Alpha Crucis and continued to work with churches across the country to help them equip Christian leaders to change their world.
Course Reviews
Called for a Mission Experience
Early this year l was elected as Deaconate Chairman of our church and consequently became Church Administrator.
And two months later the Pastor left the church in order to pursue other works.
This left me with a responsibility to shepherd the church. This was to be done with my very basic training/knowledge on Biblical Interpretations, church governance and church growth and development.
Now with the way God does things, he introduced me to this training by AXX and particularly the unit on CROSSING CULTURES which has helped me redefine God’s Call upon my life.
This unit has also served as an utmost reminder that God wants to use me to be among the people that are going to reach out to the unreached people groups.
This will now be easy because God has taught me through this unit on how to go about and relate with people from different cultures.
So help me God.
Short term mission trips
I have learnt a lot at axx college and in this topic called crossing cultures . I learnt about
(1)How to go as a servant
(2)How to act as a team
(3)How to go as a learner
(4)How to arrange things as a traveller
It has really blessed me and changed something in my life. Thank you so much to all the leaders and the owner of axx college
Good course
I liked this course. It was easy to understand
Play to Preview Sermon Design & Delivery
This course is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to understand the basics of communication theory and to use those, along with solid biblical exegesis to develop and deliver a sermon within a ministry context.
Curriculum Covered
- Course Description
- Introduction to Preaching
- What is Preaching?
- Preaching Foundations
- Understanding the Text: Exegesis
- Hermeneutics: Understanding the World
- Ethics of Communication
- Types of Sermons
- Story, Illustration & Metaphor
- Preparation
- Structure & Flow
- ‘Grabbing People by the Ears’
- Sermon Application
- Sermon Conclusion
- From Design to Delivery
- Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication
- Taking Your Audience Seriously
- Establishing Rapport
- Sermon Notes
- Story & Imagination
- Using Our Voice Well
- Body Language
- Audience Engagement
- Creative Presentations
- Personality & Style
- Dealing with Anxiety
- Sermon Evaluation
- Wisdom from our Mistakes
- Difficult Topics
- Preaching & the Future
About your instructor
![Certification of Church Planting 24 Ian Grant 150 x 150 opt](https://axx.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Ian-Grant-150-x-150-opt.webp)
Pastor Andrew Groza
Andrew is an experienced Pastor with a demonstrated history of working in the e-learning industry. Skilled in non-profit organizations, E-Learning, coaching, organizational development, and instructional design. Andrew holds a Master of Arts in Ministry from Harvest Bible College.
Course Reviews
I honour God for Axx Bible college for the opportunity which they have given me to study about sermon Design and Delivery. It was a transformative experiences. The training has helped me to:. – craft clear and concise sermon objectives. – Deliver sermons with confidence and passion. – Effectively use storytelling and Illustrations. Apply biblical principles to everyday life. The Lectures were knowledgeable, enthusiastic feedback, I appreciate the opportunity given to me to explore this course, As a result I feel more equipped and confident in my ability to design and deliver sermons that resonate with my congregation. I highly recommend Axx Bible college to any leader who would like to be trained and equipped as a leader.
Gained knowledge
Thank you so much for encouraging us to learn more new things about how ministry works.
This is the best subject
Thank you so much to the our teachers they taught us so many things important for the ministry.
Certification of Church Planting Enrolment Options
Monthly Subscription
- 8 Specifically Designed Courses
- Access with an active subscription
- Certified Training
- 168 Lessons
3 Monthly Payments
- 8 Specifically Designed Courses
- Lifetime access to all resources
- Certified Training
- 168 Lessons
Upfront Payment
- 8 Specifically Designed Courses
- Lifetime access to all resources
- Certified Training
- 168 Lessons
Certification of Church Planting Snapshot
Certification of Church Planting Reviews
Education is the key of success in the Ministry
I am Xolani Casper Jonas from the place called Gqeberha in South Africa, married with five (5) children three (3) boys and two (2) girls. This has been a good journey for me Axx is a blessing to me, if you studying at Axx you feel like you want to continue you don’t want to stop to listen to these good lectures. I learn about Theology and how to apply it in daily life, and the lesson about Trinity has thought me a lot about Unity taking from old and the new testament.
It was devided very professional the work of the father, the work of the Son and the work of the Holly Spirit
The Descipleship growth making the main thing the main thing.
The Identity part By Pastor Amelia Pickering wow building a healthy self, Christian values, the guidelines and questions to ask. Mission statement
Cross Cultures by Pastor Kay Dohle we blessed to a blessing the great commission, introduced to different cultures this training was really preparing for the work of the mission, and to the models of the mission. I can know without hesitation identify the Spiritual leakages and also the Character
How to prepare for mission trips
Introduction to preaching, what is preaching and Christ should be the center of it all. Types of preachings and minimizing the danger of abusing power “Cons & Pros”
Preparation and Traditional
Stanley’s map
Me: Orientation
We: Identification
God : Illumination
How to grabby people by the ears by Pastor Groza
Communication theory
Body language
Common ground
Stories and imagination
Practical tips
Sermon evaluation
The messenger
Empathy and Fallout
The message
Home work
Solid Exegesis & Thourough Research
Planting and developing churches
This Biblical course has equipped with the knowledge and skills to plant and develop churches. Above all it has lifted up my faith to do ministry for God.
Certification of Church Planting Requirements
All assessment tasks must be completed to be certified
- Learners are required to complete all video lessons
- Each lesson has a short multiple choice quiz
- There are no essays to be written in this qualification