Certification of Church Planting

"Our greatest fear should not be of failure … but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter."
From AUD$95.00/mo
Flexible Choice (Monthly Subscriptions)

Academic Level



9-12 Months


Yes. Certificate of Completion

Study Method


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“I was looking for a Bible School which would be affordable to me to study while I am doing something for living. While Axx has done it, I want to thanks the team at Axx and the founder of the Bible college, your incredible people and thank God for you all. I have learnt alot from the very start to the end. I have many things to say but all I can say for now is thanks to Axx for the great work and the vision God has bestowed on the founder of the school to reach many souls. Your reaching out to me is your reaching out to many souls you haven’t seen physically in Zambia. To me it’s a dream come true after many years of looking for a Bible School. Once again thank you Axx and the team continue revealing Jesus Christ to all the world..”
Brent Choonya 1 e1652333524590
Brent Choonya
My Journey with Axx

Certification of Church Planting Overview

The Certification of Church Planting course qualification equips ministers & potential ministers with the foundational biblical, practical, theological skills & knowledge to begin and establish a new Church.

The Church Planting course will examine various models of Church planting like new pioneer churches, satellite churches or developing an established Church. You will also learn how to build a highly motivated team. 

Who is the Certification of Church Planting for

  • This Church Planting course is designed for people who are preparing for or considering planting a Church or being part of a Church planting team.
  • It is ideal for those who feel a strong call of God on their life to be a pioneer.

What you will learn

God’s Call Your Response

  • How to move towards what God is calling you to do and the person God has called you to be.

Analyse & Apply the Bible

  • How to master the features of a study Bible, to interpret what a biblical passage meant to its original audience and how to apply learnt principles to my life, family and ministry community.

Personal Management & Spiritual Health

  • How to develop your relationship with God through holistic spiritual and practical disciplines to achieve your God-given destiny and spiritual goals

Introduction to the Biblical Narrative

  • ow to understand & communicate the Bible’s key themes, events, characters and how to apply lessons learnt in my life and ministry.

Theology of God

  • How to build a ministry team that can plant, establish and grow a kingdom-based Church. Your leadership skills will be built as you to create a highly motivated team who will work together towards the church planting goals. You will learn about various models of church planting and hear from successful church planters using various models enabling you to choose which model is best suited to you.

Planting & Developing Churches

  • How to discern insights, revelations and promptings given by the Holy Spirit and when they are for private edification or the edification of others. You will grow in the expressions of gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit and when to act on promptings of the Holy Spirit in accordance with the biblical guidelines.

Crossing Cultures

  • How to open the world of potential ministry adventures by embracing cultures and peoples from all around the world. You will be equipped with the key principles and knowledge learned from several lifetimes of missionary service. You will learn how to pray, plan, support and communicate in cultures that are different to your own

Sermon Design & Delivery

  • How to develop and deliver engaging sermons that build audience rapport in a contemporary ministry setting. You will develop clear and coherent sermon outlines ensuring biblical accuracy and your own authentic style.

Included Courses

God’s Call Your Response: Certified

Play to Preview God's Call Your Response

This course is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to investigate and integrate biblical principles of the call of God for ministry into a personal ministry development strategy.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Introduction to the Course
  3. What is a Call?
  4. Defining Ministry
  5. Understanding Mission
  6. General & Specific Call
  7. Obedience
  8. Unique Aspects of Ministry (Interview)
  9. Reclaiming the Discipleship Call
  10. Allowing Scripture to Define & Direct
  11. Historical Look at Ministry
  12. Church-Based Ministry
  13. Marketplace Ministry
  14. Community-Based Ministry
  15. Platforms for the Call
  16. OT Example: Nehemiah
  17. NT Example: Peter
  18. Unusual Callings
  19. The Ministry Zone (Part 1)
  20. The Ministry Zone (Part 2)
  21. The Ministry Zone (Part 3)
  22. The Ministry Zone (Part 4)
  23. Hearing the Voice of God
  24. Recognising the Voice of God
  25. How to Hear the Voice of God
  26. Processing Moments of Call
  27. Gifts & Calling
  28. Involving & Aligning
  29. A Kingdom Perspective
  30. Called to Go

About your instructor

Brendan 01 150 x150 opt

Dr Brendan Roach

Founder and CEO of Axx. Dr Brendan Roach has been involved in the professional development and training of pastors and leaders globally for over 25 years. His Biblical expertise is Biblical Archaeology, Leadership Development, First Century History and the Call to Ministry.

Regan Perry

Regan Perry

Regan firmly believes that you never stop learning and enjoys creating pathways for others to discover their full potential. He has lead & served on church staff, coordinating teams & interns, and overseen ministry programs and campus facilities.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 1,208 reviews)
Very good9%

Good course


Being in a church minister takes a lot faith to grow the experience in god’s home.

Jasen Salas
Avatar for Jasen Salas

Blessed beyond words...


In all sincerity, words are weak at expressing my sincere gratitude to God and to Aax Bible College for their selfless investments to see God’s kingdom advance here on Earth. I’ve been blessed greatly. Through these eye-opening teachings, I’ve understood the dynamics of biblical leadership and also, a deeper and better understanding of kingdom ministry has been unveiled to me. I trust that this training has increased my capacity to teach God’s word to God’s people more accurately and precisely. May the Lord bless you immensely. Amen.

Emmanuel Adeiza Samuel
Avatar for Emmanuel Adeiza Samuel

My ministry has changed.


I thank God for allowing me to connect to this platform that builds up Christian life and ministry. I learned a lot of things from AXX gospel teachings.what amazed me is the explanation of the word GO in the great commission. I have to start with the one next to me and bring the gospel to them and not necessarily to bring them where l Fellowship.this is one of the many things l learned from this wonderful platform. May God bless all the men and women of God that He is using to bless us through the word .thanks

Kaswala Banda
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Analyse & Apply the Bible: Certified

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This series of lessons is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to utilise the features of a study Bible, as well as historical and cultural analysis to compose an accurate application of a biblical passage.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Introduction to Interpretation
  3. Introduction to Study Bibles
  4. A Pattern for Application
  5. Look for Clues
  6. Original Audience & Historical Context
  7. Researching Historical Context
  8. Genre Pitfalls (Part 1)
  9. Genre Pitfalls (Part 2)
  10. Literary Context
  11. Observation
  12. From Analysis to Meaning
  13. But we are different… aren’t we?
  14. Meaning to Application
  15. Summary & Example

About your instructor

Andrew Groza 150 x 150 opt

Pastor Andrew Groza

Andrew is an experienced Pastor with a demonstrated history of working in the e-learning industry. Skilled in non-profit organizations, E-Learning, coaching, organizational development, and instructional design. Andrew holds a Master of Arts in Ministry from Harvest Bible College.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 1,294 reviews)
Very good11%

Humility before honour


Thank you very much! The course “Analyse & Apply” will definitely help me to understand the bible in a better way.

Avatar for Sharol

Great /Excellent


I really like the short videos it explains of different topics. The way been it is been presented is excellent.

Avatar for Marina

Knowledge, Wisdom & Understanding


This Bible course has been very helpful to understand and learn how to analyse and apply God’s teachings in our daily lives as a student and a believer. The knowledge we generally gain by only just reading or studying the Bible in our own way will not take us where God intends us to be or will not know how we should live according to His purposes or fulfil His calling.

This course has been designed, programmed and delivered in a very easy method for students to learn in their own pace without any inconvenience or complexity, so that the student can learn and grow gradually applying the principles of the Bible and thereby follow the call of God.

Listening to the lectures, taking down notes/writing important points or facts, read and understand the questions and choose the correct answer and submitting them was very enthusiastic.

The more you get to learn and understand the word and delve into the deeper things of God gives you pace to grow more even in the spiritual sense and will help you to operate in a higher dimension.

I believe this was a great opportunity for me to follow this course and is a benefit to complete to the end.

Many thanks to Axx Bible College and the Teachers who shared their knowledge with us. May God Bless you all.

Marylene Jayawardene
Avatar for Marylene Jayawardene
Personal Management & Spiritual Health: Certified

Preview Personal Management & Spiritual Health

This course is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to apply holistic Christian practices and personal management skills.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Course Introduction
  3. Make the main thing the main thing
  4. Spiritual Disciplines – Growth
  5. Spiritual Disciplines – Practicalities
  6. Introduction to Identity
  7. Building a Healthy Self
  8. Values
  9. Christian Values
  10. Personal Mission Statement
  11. Goals
  12. Prioritising & Time Management – priorities and the 4 quadrants
  13. Prioritising & Time Management – organising & executing
  14. Health & Wholeness
  15. Goals – review and evaluation
  16. Our life together. Authority, Leadership & Governance

About your instructor

Amelia Pickering 150 x 150 opt

Amelia Pickering

Amelia has had a diverse career thus far, one dedicated to working towards building a better world and empowering others to do the same. Over the past 25 years, her passion for leadership, academia and social justice has led her to pioneer an adult literacy and numeracy school for the disadvantaged, assume the role of university VP and run a social enterprise focused on increasing EQ within corporations and NFPs. This, along with her interest and acumen for social impact and investment strategy, has afforded her the opportunity to work with various NPFs in creating holistic frameworks for change and mobilise capital for impact.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 970 reviews)
Very good9%

Good course



Jasen Salas
Avatar for Jasen Salas

ministry organization is by choice and plan nothing is accidental


i believe that how one is organized affects ones impacts in service as far as ministry is concerned . A balanced person equals to an impactful minister and the vice versa.

Elder Peter K. Njiru
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Uchennaya okereke
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Introduction to the Biblical Narrative: Certified

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This course presents a ‘bird’s eye view’ of the Bible as one story. Each teaching is aimed at equipping learners with the skills and knowledge required to evaluate, communicate and apply the biblical narrative to a specific contemporary ministry context.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Seeing the Bible as One Story
  3. Orientation/Creation
  4. The Plot: Solution: The Patriarchal Narratives
  5. YHWH is crowned Israel’s King
  6. The Former Prophets: from Conquest to Exile
  7. The Ups & Downs of Samuel
  8. The Latter Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel & Twelve
  9. Jeremiah: The Weeping Prophet
  10. The Writings
  11. Lamentations: the Shedding of Righteous Blood
  12. Who is Jesus?
  13. The Crescendo of Jesus
  14. The New Covenant
  15. Epistles: New Covenant Prophets
  16. Good Deeds are Essential
  17. The Hope of Resurrection

About your instructor

Matthew Jarlett 150 x 150 opt

Matthew Jarlett

Following the completion of his Bachelor of Arts (Biblical Studies), Matthew assumed the Vocational Education Course Supervisor role with Harvest Bible College.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 1,938 reviews)
Very good11%

Thank you


It has helped me understand the bible more and a greater understanding of context

Avatar for N.M

Too deep too fast!


This being our first unit was way too deep too fast! So many of the words and concepts used are so completely foreign to normal language that it is such a huge jump to start with. Some of the words are explained and some are assumed.

The assignment questions are very hard to work out exactly what they want you to say. I have found this the most challenging part. Trying to decipher what it is asking. The majority of our discussions between our group are trying to work out what the questions are asking. Once we finally understand the questions, they are easy enough to answer but if they were reworded in a simpler way it would be much more helpful.

The questions are also very similar to each other and could be answered almost the same. I found myself repeating myself a lot.

Cassia Walton
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I like the way the presenter explains Cleary in this course

Avatar for Marina
Theology of God: Certified

Preview Theology of God Course

This course introduces the theology of God, as you explore the relevance of theology, the Trinity in the Old and New Testament, the Person and Work of Christ and the Holy Spirit, as well as the gifts and fruits of the Spirit.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Introduction & Relevance
  3. Talking Theology
  4. Introducing the Trinity
  5. Trinity in the Old Testament
  6. Trinity in the New Testament
  7. God as Trinity
  8. Trinity as Community
  9. Historical Misconceptions
  10. God the Father
  11. God the Son
  12. God the Holy Spirit
  13. Trinity Together
  14. The Work of Christ
  15. The Work of the Holy Spirit
  16. Gifts & Fruit of the Spirit

About your instructor

DJ Konz 150 x 150 opt

Dr DJ Konz

DJ is Associate Dean of the Faculty of Theology, and Head of the Theology Department, at Alphacrucis College. DJ comes from a background in the Christian Non-Profit sector, most recently as the Executive Director of Advocacy at Compassion Australia. He wrote his doctoral dissertation at the University of Aberdeen on the child in the thought of Karl Barth, and his wider teaching and research areas include systematic and historical theology (especially Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer), as well as mission theology, public and political theology, and child theology. He is the co-editor of Theology, Mission and Child: Global Perspectives (Oxford: Regnum, 2014) and has published various book chapters and journal articles.

Jeremy Weetman 150 x 150 opt

Pastor Jeremy Weetman

Jeremy has been in pastoral ministry for over twenty years. He and his wife plated the church they lead on the Gold Coast (Australia), Eikon Community, in 2006 and transitioned the congregation into a missional expression of church. He has served on various denominational committees and has been teaching in bible colleges since 2011. He is studying towards his Doctor of Ministry and is interested in sacred space and contemporary spirituality.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 993 reviews)
Very good7%

Good course



Jasen Salas
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wow glory to God

Umesh kumar singh
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Empowered on the study of theology of God.


I have really been enriched on theology of God teaching. I got to an understanding of the trinity, God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The attributes of God.

Sammy Kikwai
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Planting & Developing Churches: Certified – Part 1

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This course equips and inspires ministers and potential ministers to become involved in Church Planting and developing churches. It deals with Church Growth and Health principles to the planting and development of a local congregation.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Planting & Developing Churches Course Description Part 1
  2. Introduction to Planting & Developing Churches
  3. Jesus & the Harvest
  4. Biblical Foundations of Church Planting
  5. Jesus & the Gospel of the Kingdom
  6. The Early Church & Lessons for Now
  7. Why Church Planting is the Best Way to Win the Lost
  8. Evangelism in the New Church Plant
  9. Discipleship & Church Planting
  10. Case Study: Church Planting & University Ministry Thailand
  11. Case Study: The Satellite Church Planting Model
  12. Case Study: Starting from Scratch – Lightpoint Church
  13. Rick Warren & The Saddleback Church
  14. 8 Essential Quality Characteristics of a Healthy Church
  15. People Groups & Church Planting
  16. Cultural Diversity and Church Planting
  17. Starting Strong: Preparing for Church Planting
  18. Imperatives for Church Planting

About your instructor

Ian Grant 150 x 150 opt

Dr Ian Grant

Ian is an experienced Vice-President Emeritus with a demonstrated history of executive leadership, curriculum development, postgraduate teaching and accreditation, in theological education and ministry training in Australian and international contexts, including in the e-learning industry. He is skilled in Lecturing, Coaching, Managing Teams, Conflict Resolution. Ian holds a PhD focused on cultural intelligence, anthropology, contextualised leadership, cultural and religious change, intercultural communication and Majority World Christianity from Monash University.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 298 reviews)
Very good10%

understanding my calling better


i understand my calling better now after learning with axx college I thank all the teachers for your submission work God bless bless you more for reaching people like us and may He add you more strength to reach more of us.

Sonya John
Avatar for Sonya John

been able to understand the reason of my calling


It is important to understand the calling because most of us especially me could not get it right but now, all thanks to axx accept to teach me thanks so much now am aware am called as a church planter

Sonya John
Avatar for Sonya John

Enlightened and spiritually refreshed


This course “Planting Churches” is a practical unveiling of mysteries behind planting and growing Church based on God’;s perspective. It is coined with wonderful topics that nourish the soul. God bless AXX and all the tutors of this course in Jesus name. Amen

Olamachi John Matthew
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Crossing Cultures: Certified

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In this course, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and frameworks in how to effectively take the gospel around the world and communicate it to cultures that are different to your own.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Introduction
  2. Biblical Basis for Mission
  3. Why Mission?
  4. How do we do Mission?
  5. Understanding Culture
  6. God & World Cultures
  7. Contextualisation
  8. Global Trends in Mission
  9. Mission Trends (1)
  10. Mission Trends (2)
  11. Models of Mission Work (1)
  12. Models of Mission Work (2)
  13. Models of Mission Work (3)
  14. Models of Mission Work (4)
  15. Case Study: Urban Missions (1)
  16. Case Study: Urban Missions (2)
  17. Case Study: Urban Missions (3)
  18. Case Study: Urban Missions (4)
  19. The Practicalities of Going Cross-Cultural
  20. Dealing with Spiritual Props
  21. Character
  22. Cross-Cultural Stress
  23. The Missionary Call
  24. Paul’s Methods (Case Study)
  25. Keys for Effective Cross-Cultural Work (1)
  26. Keys for Effective Cross-Cultural Work (2)
  27. Short-Term Mission Trips (1)
  28. Short-Term Mission Trips (2)
  29. Short-Term Mission Trips (3)
  30. Crossing Cultures Course Review

About your instructor

Kay Dohle 150 x 150 opt

Pastor Kay Dohle

Kay has dedicated her life to ministry. After pioneering a Young Adult Ministry training program at her local church, she then relocated to Asia as Mobilisations & Placement Officer with Assemblies of God World Missions. Since returning to Australia she has held senior leadership roles with Alpha Crucis and continued to work with churches across the country to help them equip Christian leaders to change their world.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 628 reviews)
Very good7%




Uchennaya okereke
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Super Excellent


Cultures are not the same I should learn the culture of other when I am on a mission assignment in their area or country

Uchenna okereke
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Very interesting course, I have been ignorant of a lot of things but after going through this course I can confidently say the way I see the world has actually changed, Thanks to Kay the lecturer and the whole Axx community for the opportunity to be part of the family.

Jacob Sebolai
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Sermon Design & Delivery: Certified

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This course is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to understand the basics of communication theory and to use those, along with solid biblical exegesis to develop and deliver a sermon within a ministry context.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Introduction to Preaching
  3. What is Preaching?
  4. Preaching Foundations
  5. Understanding the Text: Exegesis
  6. Hermeneutics: Understanding the World
  7. Ethics of Communication
  8. Types of Sermons
  9. Story, Illustration & Metaphor
  10. Preparation
  11. Structure & Flow
  12. ‘Grabbing People by the Ears’
  13. Sermon Application
  14. Sermon Conclusion
  15. From Design to Delivery
  16. Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication
  17. Taking Your Audience Seriously
  18. Establishing Rapport
  19. Sermon Notes
  20. Story & Imagination
  21. Using Our Voice Well
  22. Body Language
  23. Audience Engagement
  24. Creative Presentations
  25. Personality & Style
  26. Dealing with Anxiety
  27. Sermon Evaluation
  28. Wisdom from our Mistakes
  29. Difficult Topics
  30. Preaching & the Future

About your instructor

Ian Grant 150 x 150 opt

Pastor Andrew Groza

Andrew is an experienced Pastor with a demonstrated history of working in the e-learning industry. Skilled in non-profit organizations, E-Learning, coaching, organizational development, and instructional design. Andrew holds a Master of Arts in Ministry from Harvest Bible College.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 928 reviews)
Very good9%

Sermon Design and Delivery


Preaching is an art which needs to be learnt. It is also about what to preach and how to preach it. You can preach using notes or not and this depends on how you train yourself. Sermon Evaluation helps to know your pros and cons and where to improve.

A K Malawi Central Africa
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Well done

Beyene Miju Tuji
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Uchennaya okereke
Avatar for Uchennaya okereke

Certification of Church Planting Enrolment Options

Monthly Subscription

$AUD 95 / mo
  • 8 Specifically Designed Courses
  • Access with an active subscription
  • Certified Training
  • 168 Lessons

3 Monthly Payments

$AUD 300
  • 8 Specifically Designed Courses
  • Lifetime access to all resources
  • Certified Training
  • 168 Lessons
Best Value

Upfront Payment

$AUD 745
  • 8 Specifically Designed Courses
  • Lifetime access to all resources
  • Certified Training
  • 168 Lessons

Certification of Church Planting Snapshot

  • 8 specifically designed courses
  • 168 lessons
  • 44 hours on-demand video
  • Certification
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on computer, mobile devices and TV
  • All learning resources, handouts and E-library at no extra cost
  • Personalised Certified Certificate of Completion

Certification of Church Planting Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 204 reviews)
Very good8%



The course has not helped to enhance my church planting but has shed light in all around scope of Christian ministries, management/administration, rightly dividing the word of God and study. I’m more sharper than before.

Thank you.

ELijah Kibue Muthondeki
Avatar for ELijah Kibue Muthondeki



As a church planter this course has really added my understanding and approach towards the Great Commission . From my local culture to across culture divide. The leadership of the same and the gospel delivery and wholistic approach towards studying and rightly dividing the word of God. Personal management and sermon delivery and a lot of understanding in necessary topics like the theology of God.

I have been really enlightened and transformed.

ELijah Kibue Muthondeki
Avatar for ELijah Kibue Muthondeki



As a church planter this course has really added my understanding and approach towards the Great Commission . From my local culture to across culture divide. The leadership of the same and the gospel delivery and wholistic approach towards studying and rightly dividing the word of God. Personal management and sermon delivery and a lot of understanding in necessary topics like the theology of God.

I have been really enlightened and transformed.

ELijah Kibue Muthondeki
Avatar for ELijah Kibue Muthondeki

Certification of Church Planting Requirements

  • This Certification of Church Planting only requires a desire to learn about how to plant a Church or how I can be a productive member of a Church Planting team.
  • Have a desire to see the kingdom of God expanded globally.
  • A love of God, the Word and the Great Commission.
  • Learners are welcome to commence this qualification at any time
  • A computer, tablet or smartphone is required
  • No additional software is required
  • Internet connection is required
  • Lessons are presented in English

All assessment tasks must be completed to be certified

  • Learners are required to complete all video lessons
  • Each lesson has a short multiple choice quiz
  • There are no essays to be written in this qualification
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