Advanced Certification of Ministry Leadership

"So guard yourselves and God’s people. Feed and shepherd God’s flock his church, purchased with his own blood over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as leaders."
— ACTS 20:28
From AUD$95.00/mo
Flexible Choice (Monthly Subscriptions)

Academic Level



9-12 Months


Yes. Certificate of Completion

Study Method


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“Axx ministry training & online Bible College courses has already proved to have been of great benefit to our students studying all over Australia. The learning, the method of delivery and the interaction combine for an outstanding educational experience for men and women in ministry”
Wayne Swift Cropped 150 x 150 opt
Ps Wayne Swift

Advanced Certification of Ministry Leadership Overview

The Axx Advanced Certification of Ministry Leadership qualification strongly develops leadership skills in a ministry context. It is the Axx qualification that is designed to equip you to take on a great level of leadership.

Advanced Certification of Ministry Leadership will empower you to lead teams, understand your role in an executive team, build your emotional intelligence and learn life long skills of continual leadership development.

The Advanced Certification of Ministry Leadership starts by answering the important question: who am I as a leader? Then we focus on your past, present and future leadership formation. Finishing with Organisation Management bring all those skills together.

This qualification builds on the Certification of Personal & Teams Leadership.

Who is the Advanced Certification of Ministry Leadership for

  • This qualification is designed for pastors and leaders who are wanting to develop their leadership skills to take on extra responsibilities inside the Church and in the wider community.
  • It is ideal for those who have a good biblical background and are looking to grow in leadership.
  • It is a great option for those in secular employment who are looking for a biblically-based leadership development program.

What you will learn

Principles of Teamwork: Certified

  • The importance of working well in a team within a ministry setting. You will learn how about developing teams, team culture, emotional intelligence theory and how to deliver and receive effective feedback.

Navigating Team Dynamics: Certified

  • How to bring change to a team situation and various approaches to effective Christian Leadership.
  • Demonstrate reflective practices relevant to being team leaders such as describing their own leadership style, skills and abilities and reflection on ministry case studies and practical experience.

Emotional Intelligence & Productive Teams: Certified

  • How to use emotional intelligence to build a team. Learn the biblical foundation of E.I. to develop an understanding of yourself, and the pastors and leaders with which you work and minister.

Spirit-Filled Leadership & Acts Part 1: Certified

  • Identify significant issues related to Pentecostal and Charismatic ministry and leadership including pentecostal history, theological issues, and the history and background of Acts.

Spirit-Filled Leadership & Acts Part 2: Certified

  • Critically investigate the interpretation of Acts in relation to Pentecostal teaching on the leadership in the contemporary church.

Spirit-Filled Leadership & Acts Part 3: Certified

  • Identify significant issues related to Pentecostal and charismatic ministry and leadership in the 21st century including Pentecost, spiritual warfare, healing and miracles.

Organisational Management: Certified

  • How to be equipped with the skills and knowledge required to create a management strategy and help you manage a ministry team. It will also formulate specific steps to further develop the current management processes of the Christian organisation.

Lifelong Leadership Development – Part 1: Certified

  • You will reflect on your life journey and understand the hand of God in your leadership development.

Lifelong Leadership Development – Part 2: Certified

  • How to apply the lessons learned in Part 1 to your life and ministry. To be the persons that God has called you to be.

Included Courses

Principles of Teamwork: Certified

Preview Principles of Teamwork

In this course, you’ll learn about the importance of working well in a team within a ministry setting. Our experts cover the developing teams, team culture, emotional intelligence theory and how to deliver and receive effective feedback.

Curriculum Covered

  1. What is a Team?
  2. Types of Teams
  3. Stages of Team Development
  4. Developing Teams
  5. Johari Window
  6. DISC & Teams
  7. Team Culture
  8. Team & Leader Relationships (1)
  9. Team & Leader Relationships (2)
  10. Diverse Teams
  11. Team Emotional Life
  12. Emotional Intelligence Theory
  13. Emotional Intelligence Practical
  14. Team Emotional Life: Belonging
  15. Team Social Dimensions
  16. Three Levels of Communication
  17. Communication Questions
  18. Feedback (1)
  19. Feedback (2)

About your instructor

Nigel Pegram 150 x 150 opt

Dr Nigel Pegram

Nigel completed his Master of Theology, focusing on Old Testament Prophets. He has continued his study and completed his Doctor of Ministry, writing a dissertation on emotional intelligence and prevention of ministry burnout.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 25,263 reviews)
Very good6%

Awsome revelation


This is a great course I especially loved the lesson about the river Jordon and also the history side of baptism

Frederick joyce
Avatar for Frederick joyce

Thank you


It has helped me understand the bible more and a greater understanding of context

Avatar for N.M



I have already been baptized and understood what I was doing I just wanted to do this course to look more in-depth about baptism and I have thankyou

Frederick joyce
Avatar for Frederick joyce

Preview Navigating Team Dynamics

In this course you’ll learn how to navigate some of the challenges associated with team dynamics. Topics covered in this course include conflict styles and resolutions, narcissism, success, status, ego, team reflexivity, virtual teams and more!

Curriculum Covered

  1. Conflict Introduction
  2. Recent Research in Conflict
  3. Conflict & Personality
  4. Conflict Styles
  5. Conflict Resolution
  6. Roles & Boundaries
  7. Dealing with Difficult People
  8. Virtual Teams
  9. Group Pressure to Conform
  10. Ethics in Teams
  11. Team Creativity & Innovation
  12. Introduction to Reflexivity
  13. Team Quality Management
  14. Narcissism
  15. Success, Status & Ego
  16. Encouragement
  17. What Really Matters

About your instructor

Nigel Pegram 150 x 150 opt

Dr Nigel Pegram

Nigel completed his Master of Theology, focusing on Old Testament Prophets. He has continued his study and completed his Doctor of Ministry, writing a dissertation on emotional intelligence and prevention of ministry burnout.

Course Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 119 reviews)
Very good4%

Course review


Great course for team leadership, I learnt great skills that i can also use in the marketplace.

Ontumetse Prince Marokane
Avatar for Ontumetse Prince Marokane

Course review


Great course for team leadership, I learnt great skills that i can also use in the marketplace.

Ontumetse Prince Marokane
Avatar for Ontumetse Prince Marokane

Navigating Team Dynamics


I learnt a lot from this one NAVIGATING TEAM DYNAMICS, learning how to be part of a team, how to respond to different people in your team. In the last course, about being a encourager this is me as I am always trying to encourage those who are in our little church. Thank you for a very helpful and informative course.

Lillian Denise Bell
Avatar for Lillian Denise Bell
Emotional Intelligence & Productive Teams: Certified

Play to Preview Emotional Intelligence & Productive Teams: Certified

This course is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to integrate concepts of self, and the principles and skills required to work effectively with people in a workplace or ministry context.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Introduction to Course 
  2. Theory of Emotional Intelligence 
  3. Application of Emotional Intelligence 
  4. Biblical & Theological Foundations of E.I. 
  5. Biblical & Theological Foundations of Teams 
  6. Understanding Yourself & Understanding Others 
  7. Temperaments & DISC 
  8. DISC & Temperaments – Weaknesses 
  9. DISC & Temperaments – Strengths 
  10. Dysfunction & what it looks like 
  11. Maintaining Relational Health 
  12. You as the Team Player 
  13. Introduction to Productive Teams 
  14. Qualities for an Effective Team 
  15. Values & Care within a Team 
  16. Unity & Goals within a Team 
  17. Communication & Teams 
  18. Collaboration 
  19. Chemistry 
  20. Celebrations 
  21. Why Teams Fail 
  22. When things go wrong 
  23. Review of Course 
  24. Driving Forward 

About your instructor

Andrew Groza 150 x 150 opt

Pastor Andrew Groza

Andrew is an experienced Pastor with a demonstrated history of working in the e-learning industry. Skilled in non-profit organizations, E-Learning, coaching, organizational development, and instructional design. Andrew holds a Master of Arts in Ministry from Harvest Bible College.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 70 reviews)
Very good10%

I found this course extraordinary!


Most of the topics of this course is knew for me. I eagerly finished all the topic with high interest. I got a knew ideas and insight about emotional intelligence. I really appreciate Harvest Bible College for providing this Platform to learn. God bless you the team and instructors.

Kayo Dibera Deressa
Avatar for Kayo Dibera Deressa

I found this course extraordinary!


Most of the topics of this course is knew for me. I eagerly finished all the topic with high interest. I got a knew ideas and insight about emotional intelligence. I really appreciate Harvest Bible College for providing this Platform to learn. God bless you the team and instructors.

Kayo Dibera Deressa
Avatar for Kayo Dibera Deressa

Knowing who I am.


This unit has helped me to be aware of self like never before.

Andrew Tay
Avatar for Andrew Tay
Spirit Filled Leadership & Acts: Certified – Part 1

Preview Spirit Filled Leadership in Acts

Part 1 of this course will leads students through a self-critical analysis and reflection of Spirit-filled leadership issues including pentecostal history, theological issues, and the history and background of Acts.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description & Additional Resources
  2. Introduction
  3. Australian Pentecostal History (1)
  4. Australian Pentecostal History (2)
  5. Insights: Melinda Dwight Interview
  6. Leadership Models & Issues
  7. Ecclesiological Issues
  8. Theological Issues
  9. Pneumatological Issues
  10. Ethical & Missional Issues
  11. Introduction to Acts
  12. Critical Questions about Acts
  13. Structure of Acts
  14. Historical Context of Acts
  15. Jewishness of Acts (1)
  16. Jewishness of Acts (2)
  17. Jewishness of Acts (3)

About your instructor

Jon Newton 150 x 150 opt

Dr Jon Newton

John is an Associate Professor at Alphacrucis College after serving for nine years at Harvest Bible College, most recently as Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research. His goal is to promote Christian higher education and missions, including training students for Asia and Europe. Dr Jon’s Ph D was gained at Deakin University (conferred 2007) with a thesis entitled “Postmodernism, Christianity and the Book of Revelation.” The author of two books: Revelation Reclaimed: The Use and Misuse of the Apocalypse (Paternoster 2009) and The Revelation Worldview (Wipf and Stock 2015). I also edited New Frontiers: Redefining Christian Ministry for 21st Century Contexts (Mosaic 2013). I have also had a number of articles published in peer-reviewed journals such as Australian Biblical Review, Colloquium, Heythrop Journal and Journal of Pentecostal Theology. I am the editor of the Journal of Contemporary Ministry. Currently, I am working on a commentary on Revelation for a new Pentecostal commentary series. My other main research interest is Australian Pentecostalism.

Jeremy Weetman 150 x 150 opt

Pastor Jeremy Weetman

Jeremy has been in pastoral ministry for over twenty years. He and his wife plated the church they lead on the Gold Coast (Australia), Eikon Community, in 2006 and transitioned the congregation into a missional expression of church. He has served on various denominational committees and has been teaching in bible colleges since 2011. He is studying towards his Doctor of Ministry and is interested in sacred space and contemporary spirituality.

Course Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 123 reviews)
Very good3%

Insight of the book of Act narrative


This is a wonderful course and it gave a further understanding of the book of Acts historically, culturally, geographically, and the intent of the author. Lastly, it highlighted how spirit-filled leaders should act, discuss, and decide the issues.

Comrade Bol Koang
Avatar for Comrade Bol Koang

Spirit filled leadership and acts pàrt 2


Here some times of women have been highlighted on the ministry

Apostle Kevin Liyayi
Avatar for Apostle Kevin Liyayi

Spirit filled leadership and acts pàrt 2


Here some times of women have been highlighted on the ministry

Apostle Kevin Liyayi
Avatar for Apostle Kevin Liyayi
Spirit Filled Leadership & Acts: Certified – Part 2

Preview Spirit Filled Leadership in Acts

Part 2 of this course focuses on the leadership and development of the earliest church and how pentecostal have shaped their leadership in contemporary church based on the book of Acts.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description & Additional Resources
  2. Insights: Barry Chant Interview (1)
  3. Acts & the First Pentecostals
  4. Pentecostal Use of Acts
  5. Criticisms & Response to Pentecostal Theology
  6. Insights: Barry Chant Interview (2)
  7. Leadership in the Infant Church
  8. Leadership in the Developing Church
  9. Leadership Application from Acts
  10. Insights: Craig Keener Interview (1)
  11. Leadership Issues & Crises
  12. Local Church Governance
  13. Servant Leadership
  14. Women in Leadership
  15. Insights: Craig Keener Interview (2)
  16. Financial Issues
  17. Prayer

About your instructor

Jon Newton 150 x 150 opt

Dr Jon Newton

John is an Associate Professor at Alphacrucis College after serving for nine years at Harvest Bible College, most recently as Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research. His goal is to promote Christian higher education and missions, including training students for Asia and Europe. Dr Jon’s Ph D was gained at Deakin University (conferred 2007) with a thesis entitled “Postmodernism, Christianity and the Book of Revelation.” The author of two books: Revelation Reclaimed: The Use and Misuse of the Apocalypse (Paternoster 2009) and The Revelation Worldview (Wipf and Stock 2015). I also edited New Frontiers: Redefining Christian Ministry for 21st Century Contexts (Mosaic 2013). I have also had a number of articles published in peer-reviewed journals such as Australian Biblical Review, Colloquium, Heythrop Journal and Journal of Pentecostal Theology. I am the editor of the Journal of Contemporary Ministry. Currently, I am working on a commentary on Revelation for a new Pentecostal commentary series. My other main research interest is Australian Pentecostalism.

Jeremy Weetman 150 x 150 opt

Pastor Jeremy Weetman

Jeremy has been in pastoral ministry for over twenty years. He and his wife plated the church they lead on the Gold Coast (Australia), Eikon Community, in 2006 and transitioned the congregation into a missional expression of church. He has served on various denominational committees and has been teaching in bible colleges since 2011. He is studying towards his Doctor of Ministry and is interested in sacred space and contemporary spirituality.

Course Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 123 reviews)
Very good3%

Insight of the book of Act narrative


This is a wonderful course and it gave a further understanding of the book of Acts historically, culturally, geographically, and the intent of the author. Lastly, it highlighted how spirit-filled leaders should act, discuss, and decide the issues.

Comrade Bol Koang
Avatar for Comrade Bol Koang

Spirit filled leadership and acts pàrt 2


Here some times of women have been highlighted on the ministry

Apostle Kevin Liyayi
Avatar for Apostle Kevin Liyayi

Spirit filled leadership and acts pàrt 2


Here some times of women have been highlighted on the ministry

Apostle Kevin Liyayi
Avatar for Apostle Kevin Liyayi
Spirit Filled Leadership & Acts: Certified – Part 3

Preview Spirit Filled Leadership in Acts

Part 3 of this course will lead students through a self-critical analysis and reflection of Spirit-filled leadership issues including Pentecost, spiritual warfare, healing and miracles.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description & Additional Resources
  2. Liturgy
  3. Insights: Tex Houston Interview
  4. Pentecost (1)
  5. Pentecost (2)
  6. Insights: Jon Newton Interview
  7. Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance
  8. Healing in Acts
  9. Miracles in Acts
  10. Insights: Craig Keener Interview (3)
  11. Missiological Perspectives (1)
  12. Missiological Perspectives (2)
  13. Missiological Perspectives (3)
  14. Insights: Cin Do Kham Interview
  15. Preaching in Acts
  16. Teaching in Acts
  17. Synthesizing & Applying Acts

About your instructor

Jon Newton 150 x 150 opt

Dr Jon Newton

John is an Associate Professor at Alphacrucis College after serving for nine years at Harvest Bible College, most recently as Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research. His goal is to promote Christian higher education and missions, including training students for Asia and Europe. Dr Jon’s Ph D was gained at Deakin University (conferred 2007) with a thesis entitled “Postmodernism, Christianity and the Book of Revelation.” The author of two books: Revelation Reclaimed: The Use and Misuse of the Apocalypse (Paternoster 2009) and The Revelation Worldview (Wipf and Stock 2015). I also edited New Frontiers: Redefining Christian Ministry for 21st Century Contexts (Mosaic 2013). I have also had a number of articles published in peer-reviewed journals such as Australian Biblical Review, Colloquium, Heythrop Journal and Journal of Pentecostal Theology. I am the editor of the Journal of Contemporary Ministry. Currently, I am working on a commentary on Revelation for a new Pentecostal commentary series. My other main research interest is Australian Pentecostalism.

Jeremy Weetman 150 x 150 opt

Pastor Jeremy Weetman

Jeremy has been in pastoral ministry for over twenty years. He and his wife plated the church they lead on the Gold Coast (Australia), Eikon Community, in 2006 and transitioned the congregation into a missional expression of church. He has served on various denominational committees and has been teaching in bible colleges since 2011. He is studying towards his Doctor of Ministry and is interested in sacred space and contemporary spirituality.

Course Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 123 reviews)
Very good3%

Insight of the book of Act narrative


This is a wonderful course and it gave a further understanding of the book of Acts historically, culturally, geographically, and the intent of the author. Lastly, it highlighted how spirit-filled leaders should act, discuss, and decide the issues.

Comrade Bol Koang
Avatar for Comrade Bol Koang

Spirit filled leadership and acts pàrt 2


Here some times of women have been highlighted on the ministry

Apostle Kevin Liyayi
Avatar for Apostle Kevin Liyayi

Spirit filled leadership and acts pàrt 2


Here some times of women have been highlighted on the ministry

Apostle Kevin Liyayi
Avatar for Apostle Kevin Liyayi
Organisational Management: Certified

Preview Organisational Management

This course is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to minister to create a management strategy and help you manage a ministry team within a Christian organisation. It will also formulate specific steps to further develop the current management processes of the Christian organisation.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Introduction
  3. Biblical Foundations
  4. The BIG Picture
  5. How do you know you’re winning?
  6. Achieving VISION
  7. Organisational Structure
  8. Managing People
  9. Managing Finances
  10. Managing Resources
  11. Asking Good Questions
  12. Being Solution Focused
  13. Brainstorming
  14. Setting Goals
  15. Understanding How Change Affects Others
  16. Dealing with Barriers
  17. Clearly Define Expectations
  18. Creating a Culture of Communication
  19. Thinking Things Through
  20. Vision Alignment
  21. What is measurable & what is not?
  22. Value of Reporting
  23. An Evaluation Process
  24. Monitor Progress through Informal Reviews
  25. Dealing with the Unexpected
  26. Keep Talking about the Wins
  27. Transitioning
  28. A Culture of Gratitude

About your instructor

Andrew Drummond

Andrew Drummond

Andrew has held various pastoral roles for over fifteen years. He now works with Springboard Consulting where is all about empowering people for a purpose whether that be for pastors, leaders, denominational leaders, business leaders, NGO or mission leaders. Drawing from extensive experience training, strategic coaching and personal mentoring will be provided to empower you and your leaders for their purpose

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 25,263 reviews)
Very good6%

Awsome revelation


This is a great course I especially loved the lesson about the river Jordon and also the history side of baptism

Frederick joyce
Avatar for Frederick joyce

Thank you


It has helped me understand the bible more and a greater understanding of context

Avatar for N.M



I have already been baptized and understood what I was doing I just wanted to do this course to look more in-depth about baptism and I have thankyou

Frederick joyce
Avatar for Frederick joyce
Lifelong Leadership Development: Certified- Part 1

Play Course Preview Lifelong Leadership Development

This course is a thorough study of a student’s own spiritual journey using biblical reflection, and the comparative study of the life stories of biblical, historical, and contemporary leaders.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description & Additional Resources
  2. Spiritual Formation 1 – The Ultimate Testimony
  3. Patterns of Leadership Emergence 1
  4. LDS Theory: Narrative & Timeline
  5. Case Study 1
  6. Spiritual Formation 2 – Calling/Destiny
  7. Process Items
  8. Process Items & Principles
  9. Development Phases, Sub Phases & Boundary Phases 1
  10. Development Phases, Sub Phases & Boundary Phases 2
  11. Development Phases, Sub Phases & Boundary Phases 3
  12. Spiritual Formation 3 – Knowledge/Learning
  13. Spiritual Formation 4 – Guidance
  14. Ministry Maturing Processes 1
  15. Ministry Maturing Processes 2

About your instructor

Ian Grant 150 x 150 opt

Dr Ian Grant

Ian is an experienced Vice-President Emeritus with a demonstrated history of executive leadership, curriculum development, postgraduate teaching and accreditation, in theological education and ministry training in Australian and international contexts, including in the e-learning industry. He is skilled in Lecturing, Coaching, Managing Teams, Conflict Resolution. Ian holds a PhD focused on cultural intelligence, anthropology, contextualised leadership, cultural and religious change, intercultural communication and Majority World Christianity from Monash University.

Course Reviews

4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 62 reviews)
Very good16%

LDS insight


I am very fascinated by the tools that I have acquired in Leadership Development Study, it showed me how to record my Christian character, life, journey, life story development and growth. I will put it into practice.

Comrade Bol Koang
Avatar for Comrade Bol Koang

LDS insight


I am very fascinated by the tools that I have acquired in Leadership Development Study, it showed me how to record my Christian character, life, journey, life story development and growth. I will put it into practice.

Comrade Bol Koang
Avatar for Comrade Bol Koang

Leadership development


This course has equipped with: how to develop Godly character in the believer’s life, which will bring development in spiritual leadership. This will bring a greater effect in my ministry.

Comrade Bol Koang
Avatar for Comrade Bol Koang
Lifelong Leadership Development: Certified- Part 2

Play Course Preview Lifelong Leadership Development

This course is a thorough study of a student’s own spiritual journey using biblical reflection, and the comparative study of the life stories of biblical, historical, and contemporary leaders.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description & Additional Resources
  2. Spiritual Formation 5: Criticism
  3. Spiritual Formation 6: Intimacy 1
  4. Spiritual Formation 6: Intimacy 2
  5. Spiritual Formation 7: Little/Big Picture
  6. Growth Ministry Processing 1
  7. Growth Ministry Processing 2
  8. The ‘Time’ Variable
  9. Five Types of Leaders
  10. Spiritual Formation 9
  11. Constructing an Overview Chart
  12. Leadership Challenge 1
  13. Leadership Challenge 2

About your instructor

Ian Grant 150 x 150 opt

Dr Ian Grant

Ian is an experienced Vice-President Emeritus with a demonstrated history of executive leadership, curriculum development, postgraduate teaching and accreditation, in theological education and ministry training in Australian and international contexts, including in the e-learning industry. He is skilled in Lecturing, Coaching, Managing Teams, Conflict Resolution. Ian holds a PhD focused on cultural intelligence, anthropology, contextualised leadership, cultural and religious change, intercultural communication and Majority World Christianity from Monash University.

Course Reviews

4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 62 reviews)
Very good16%

LDS insight


I am very fascinated by the tools that I have acquired in Leadership Development Study, it showed me how to record my Christian character, life, journey, life story development and growth. I will put it into practice.

Comrade Bol Koang
Avatar for Comrade Bol Koang

LDS insight


I am very fascinated by the tools that I have acquired in Leadership Development Study, it showed me how to record my Christian character, life, journey, life story development and growth. I will put it into practice.

Comrade Bol Koang
Avatar for Comrade Bol Koang

Leadership development


This course has equipped with: how to develop Godly character in the believer’s life, which will bring development in spiritual leadership. This will bring a greater effect in my ministry.

Comrade Bol Koang
Avatar for Comrade Bol Koang

Advanced Certification of Ministry Leadership Enrolment Options

Monthly Subscription

$AUD 95 / mo
  • 9 Specifically Designed Courses
  • Access with an active subscription
  • Certified Training
  • 161 Lessons

3 Monthly Payments

$AUD 300
  • 9 Specifically Designed Courses
  • Lifetime access to all resources
  • Certified Training
  • 161 Lessons
Best Value

Upfront Payment

$AUD 745
  • 9 Specifically Designed Courses
  • Lifetime access to all resources
  • Certified Training
  • 161 Lessons

Advanced Certification of Ministry Leadership Snapshot

  • 9 specifically designed courses
  • 161 lessons
  • 54 hours on-demand video
  • Certification
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on computer, mobile devices and TV
  • All learning resources, handouts and E-library at no extra cost
  • Personalised Certified Certificate of Completion

Advanced Certification of Ministry Leadership Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 18 reviews)
Very good0%

My story


I thank God for being part of axx training school. I m a pastor in Kenya, this training has been a great blessing in my pastoral ministry, i have been able to build strong teams of leaders in our church by applying the skills i have been learning in this training from the time i did my certification in personal leadership and teams. The unit on organization management is the area that is more and more applicable in my day today running of the church. God bless axx.

Stehen Waweru Kimani
Avatar for Stehen Waweru Kimani

spirit filled leadership


Learning Spirit filled leadership is a great blessing to me as a pastor.

Stehen Waweru Kimani
Avatar for Stehen Waweru Kimani

ministry leadership


Learning leadership from the bible, the book of acts has been a great experience. This is motivating me apply the skills in my pastoral ministry. Axx is a blessing in our church. I have been using these kills to teach my team of leaders. Glory to God.

Stehen Waweru Kimani
Avatar for Stehen Waweru Kimani

Advanced Certification of Ministry Leadership Requirements

  • This qualification is best done after the completion of the Certification of Personal & Teams Leadership.
  • If you have relevant ministry experience or previous training then you can commence this qualification immediately.
  • If you would like to course advice on this qualification please contact us on or book a phone call
  • This qualification requires a desire to learn the biblical leadership principles of ministry and apply them to life and ministry inside and outside of the Church.
  • Have a desire to see the kingdom of God leadership principles applied to lead people.
  • A love of God, the Word and people.
  • Learners are welcome to commence this qualification at any time
  • A computer, tablet or smartphone is required
  • No additional software is required
  • Internet connection is required
  • Lessons are presented in English

All assessment tasks must be completed to be certified

  • Learners are required to complete all video lessons
  • Each lesson has a short multiple choice quiz
  • There are no essays to be written in this qualification
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