Certification of Local Church Ministry

Jesus is the hope of the world and the local church is the vehicle of expressing that hope to the world.
Andy Stanley
From AUD$95.00/mo
Flexible Choice (Monthly Subscription)

Academic Level



8-10 Months


Yes. Certificate of Completion

Study Method


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“A great course that was both challenging and informative a must for any person undertaking a leadership role in the church.”
Prasie handss
Sharon Moritz
A great course that should be pre-requisite to any leadership position within the church

Certification of Local Church Ministry Overview

The Certification of Local Church Ministry course qualification is for people who are serving or who are preparing to serve in a local church. It is suited for people undertaking a one-year Internship program. It gives you an excellent grounding in Bible, theology and local church ministry.

This qualification is the perfect starting point for those who are on a journey to discover their calling in God. 

Who the Certification of Local Church Ministry is for

  • The Certification of Local Church Ministry course is designed for those who are interning or volunteering in a local church or a Ministry.
  • It is ideal for those seeking to be more effective as a future leader or a key volunteer in a local church setting.
  • It is ideal for those seeking the Call of God.

What you will learn

Introduction to the Biblical Narrative

  • How to understand & communicate the Bible’s key themes, events, characters and how to apply lessons learnt in my life and ministry.

Analyse & Apply the Bible

  • How to master the features of a study Bible, to interpret what a biblical passage meant to its original audience and how to apply learnt principles to my life, family and ministry community.

Personal Management and Spiritual Health

  • How to develop your relationship with God through holistic spiritual and practical disciplines to achieve your God-given destiny and spiritual goals.

Theology of God

  • How to grasp the true nature of God revealed in the Father, Jesus & the Holy Spirit. You will also learn how to assess personal needs and grow in the gifts and fruit of the Spirit

Group Ministry Practice

  • How to serve, lead and develop your ministry team in a local church or another ministry context. Your role and responsibilities are made more effective and measured against best practice and biblical standards. Ministry practices are recommended to increase ministry health and effectiveness in light of church/ministry focus.

Personal Spiritual Growth

  • How to lay a personal foundation for development as a Christian and a leader through a process of personal and spiritual growth, thus undergirding all their spiritual life and ministry.

Work with and Care for Others

  • How to provide pastoral care for an individual, members of a family or your community. How to effectively work with and serve people whilst developing tools and insights in self-awareness. You will understand how to apply principles and skills to promote effective group harmony and synergy.

Included Courses

Introduction to the Biblical Narrative: Certified

Play Course Preview Introduction to the Biblical Narrative

This course presents a ‘bird’s eye view’ of the Bible as one story. Each teaching is aimed at equipping learners with the skills and knowledge required to evaluate, communicate and apply the biblical narrative to a specific contemporary ministry context.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Seeing the Bible as One Story
  3. Orientation/Creation
  4. The Plot: Solution: The Patriarchal Narratives
  5. YHWH is crowned Israel’s King
  6. The Former Prophets: from Conquest to Exile
  7. The Ups & Downs of Samuel
  8. The Latter Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel & Twelve
  9. Jeremiah: The Weeping Prophet
  10. The Writings
  11. Lamentations: the Shedding of Righteous Blood
  12. Who is Jesus?
  13. The Crescendo of Jesus
  14. The New Covenant
  15. Epistles: New Covenant Prophets
  16. Good Deeds are Essential
  17. The Hope of Resurrection

About your instructor

Matthew Jarlett 150 x 150 opt

Matthew Jarlett

Following the completion of his Bachelor of Arts (Biblical Studies), Matthew assumed the Vocational Education Course Supervisor role with Harvest Bible College.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 2,049 reviews)
Very good11%

Biblical narrative


The lectures on biblical narrative are very enlightening. They help one to understand the fusion between historical and cultural contexts, and literary contexts of the various biblical writings from creation and how these affect our understanding of the Bible and its application in our contemporary context.

Eric Omandi Ayiera
Avatar for Eric Omandi Ayiera

Good teaching


I love the delivery of content that simplifies even the add concepts.

The summary of is very enriching.

Eliphas Gitonga
Avatar for Eliphas Gitonga



The Bible has to faithfully be reviewed as one spiritually attributed life breathing story.Suddenly Adamic life is bestowed at the Eden of grace,it falls to sin that YHWH judges as death.This truth is exposed in Genesis 3 but in Genesis 4:25-26, Adam’s Seth sirs Enosh who obeys to build the Yahweh’s Church(ekklesia) and the God’s redemption visits that generation.However,there are ups and downs as narrated of former prophets to the latter prophets who are Joshua,Samuel,judges,Kings and Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the twelve respectively.Too,the israelites life takes curve from conquest to exile until the crescendo of Yahweh believed King redeems them through His sent messengers even of apostles as of good news turning points by mystery even to calling once gentiles like Saul to one gospel faith and baptism of chains of preaching grace of repentance to all men.(Matthew 28:19,Acts 9:1-13).

Truly,Christ is living amongst us even now saying I came to those who never sought me(Isaiah 65:1-2) and here He brings life to those willing to obey His will of truth of worship and qualify to eat the best from the land.(Isaiah 1:19,John 4:23).

Therefore,hear only Jesus word voice as the holy spirit presented to us in Matthew 3:17 and you will be planted in the whole land of Israel by Lord’s eternal deliverance never to be uprooted again from David’s Heavenly Ordained and Godly kingdom where Messiah the beloved chose to appear as mercy and love that endures forever amen.

(Amos 9:15, Jeremiah 32:39-40,Psalm 118:29.

Analyse & Apply the Bible: Certified

Play Course Preview Analyse & Apply the Bible

This series of lessons is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to utilise the features of a study Bible, as well as historical and cultural analysis to compose an accurate application of a biblical passage.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Introduction to Interpretation
  3. Introduction to Study Bibles
  4. A Pattern for Application
  5. Look for Clues
  6. Original Audience & Historical Context
  7. Researching Historical Context
  8. Genre Pitfalls (Part 1)
  9. Genre Pitfalls (Part 2)
  10. Literary Context
  11. Observation
  12. From Analysis to Meaning
  13. But we are different… aren’t we?
  14. Meaning to Application
  15. Summary & Example

About your instructor

Andrew Groza 150 x 150 opt

Pastor Andrew Groza

Andrew is an experienced Pastor with a demonstrated history of working in the e-learning industry. Skilled in non-profit organizations, E-Learning, coaching, organizational development, and instructional design. Andrew holds a Master of Arts in Ministry from Harvest Bible College.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 1,369 reviews)
Very good11%



This was very informative and helpful

Avatar for KF

Introduction to The Biblical Narrative


One of the greatest strengths of studying the Word of God is its ability to speak across generations. The principles found within scripture remain relevant, offering wisdom for contemporary issues. The various translations available also make the Bible accessible, catering to different reading preferences and comprehension levels.

However, one weakness can be the complexity of certain passages, which may lead to confusion or misinterpretation without proper guidance. Additionally, some may struggle with the historical and cultural contexts that can be challenging to grasp.

In conclusion, Studying the Word of God is a rewarding endeavor that deepens one’s faith and understanding. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking spiritual growth, comfort, or guidance. Whether a seasoned believer or new to scripture, there is always something new to discover. The Bible not only transforms our understanding of God but also our relationships with others and ourselves. I hope that more people will embark on this journey, finding the profound truths that the Word of God offers.

Fredrick Mukoba Juma
Avatar for Fredrick Mukoba Juma



The Bible read text interpretation by a community of believers should be treated as a whole text and not an isolation.The chosenscriptural text should target the audience explicitly and exhaustedly as a message and address the underlaying gospel issues to counsel,warn,redeem and grace the text preservation within historical, literary,social or geopolitical and cross cultural community of believers.Too,text if clauses,verbs used,adjectives,sounds as of slang words(Woop in Australia)should be considered their former or presently intended meaning to the audience.Moreover,complicated texts as 1Kings 18, Deuteronomy select chapter like 22,should be identified of the principle within and perhaps be summarised with a clearer and a short text expression for increased audience to target group leading to understanding.Still,expressions can take or loose a particularly intended meaning to the seen or foreseen audience formerly existing, currently or living in God’s believe in that future of their faith life.Ie:1Timothy 6:10,”Money is the root form of all evils,”may not be true to all locations or groups applications for there are various portions of evils caused and not effected by money yet they are evils,to exemplify:prostitution,drugs and substance abuse,human ignorance to lead procrastination of activities,”Pastor,Jenii saying that she will preach when she wants…”

Eventually and ideally,let the studied text be united as a reading,evaluative and an applied communicate writing to the targeted audience while importing and exporting the best meaning of the scriptural select write up.Thank you.

Our Place in God’s Narrative: Certified

Play Course Preview Our Place in God’s Narrative Axx

This course is designed to equip learners with the skills and knowledge to evaluate contemporary ministry practices and develop a ministry plan based on theologies of mission and church.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Introduction – God, Us & You
  3. What Mission is not/What Mission is
  4. Creation, Covenant, Consummation – God’s Rule
  5. The Missio Dei through Israel
  6. The Missio Dei through Christ
  7. The Missio Dei through the Church
  8. Culture (1) God’s mission is within cultures
  9. Culture (2) National & Local. Being effective WITHIN a culture
  10. Contextualisation – 3 step model
  11. Proclamation – What is the Gospel?
  12. WHO – What on earth is the church?
  13. WHAT – What does the church do?
  14. HOW – The charismatic community. Tongues/baptism/healing
  15. Being Christ-like, Love, God’s community
  16. Our life together. Part 1. Authority, leadership & Governance.
  17. Our life together. Part 2. Structure & order in community
  18. The Church in History Part 1 – Roman Catholic church
  19. The Church in History Part 2 – Reformation/revivals/Pentecost
  20. The Church in History Part 3 – Sacred Space
  21. YOU – From our to my
  22. YOU – internal – A faithful witness
  23. In the School of Christ – We are a student
  24. Church in the Public Sphere (Sermon on the Mount)
  25. What now? Thoughts about moving forward

About your instructor

Andrew Groza 150 x 150 opt

Pastor Andrew Groza

Andrew is an experienced Pastor with a demonstrated history of working in the e-learning industry. Skilled in non-profit organizations, E-Learning, coaching, organizational development, and instructional design. Andrew holds a Master of Arts in Ministry from Harvest Bible College.

Course Reviews

4.7 out of 5 stars (based on 30 reviews)
Very good13%



I did bible college many years ago and Axx is a good refresher without the pressure of assignments and exams.

Avatar for KF

Eye opener and Heart warming


How Andrew Groza explained our role in God’s narrative humbled me that apart from his grace and mercy, I am nothing. The modules made me realised that there is a lot to do to reach out lost souls… that I’m one of those called to do the work of God.

May God bless you and empower you more Andrew! Continue to be a blessing!

Abby Bagalacsa
Avatar for Abby Bagalacsa

Humility before honour


Thank you for the lessons. It gives me a better understanding of the part we can all play in serving God wherever we are.

I get reminded of the topic of ‘contextualization’ whenever I have opportunity to speak to someone new!

Avatar for Sharol
Theology - Ministry in the Spirit: Certified

Play Preview Course Theology - Ministry in the Spirit

The lessons in this series are presented by a number of experienced ministry leaders, with the emphasis on the Holy Spirit – who He is and what He loves to do, the Spirit’s work with and through believers, and Holy Spirit empowered outreach.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Introduction to Course
  3. The Spirit the Life-Giver
  4. The Person of the Holy Spirit
  5. Holy Spirit Baptism
  6. Relating to the Holy Spirit
  7. The Work of the Spirit
  8. Community of the Spirit
  9. The Gifts of the Spirit
  10. Experiences of the Holy Spirit at Work
  11. The Fruit of the Spirit (1)
  12. The Fruit of the Spirit (2)
  13. Jesus & Ministry of the Holy Spirit
  14. What Does Ministry in the Spirit Look Like?
  15. When Prayer Doesn’t Work
  16. Evangelism in the Gospel: Jesus
  17. Evangelism with Paul & the Apostles
  18. The Breath of the Gospel
  19. Different Approaches to Evangelism
  20. Sharing Your Testimony
  21. The Missional Discussion
  22. Talking to Non-Christians
  23. Spirit Led Ministry
  24. Discipleship & Follow Up
  25. Following People Up
  26. Developing an Understanding of the History of the Holy Spirit

About your instructor

Tex Houston 150 x 150 opt

Tex Houston

Tex (Gary) became a successful pub musician in 1980’s, from there began working with large church & community organisations in media and music production. He has travelled to many places in the world, usually with a video camera and tripod, either doing documentaries on Australians working in other lands, or filming his own works on Anzac history in the First World War. In addition to being an avid steam engine enthusiast with YouTube channel ‘symphony of steam’, Tex is an authority on Christian worship.

Matthew Jarlett 150 x 150 opt

Matthew Jarlett

Following the completion of his Bachelor of Arts (Biblical Studies), Matthew assumed the Vocational Education Course Supervisor role with Harvest Bible College.

Course reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 78 reviews)
Very good9%

Peace and Power Combined


I loved studying Theology – Ministry in the Spirit!!! This gave me a whole new perspective and understanding of my relationship with the Holy Spirit and His power in my life and the closeness we can experience as we learn to listen and discern Him.

Avatar for MF

Both informative and practical


I enjoyed this course. It was both informative and practical and was good to hear more personal testimonies and experiences.

Avatar for KF




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Introduction to the Biblical Narrative: Certified

Play Course Preview Introduction to the Biblical Narrative

This course presents a ‘bird’s eye view’ of the Bible as one story. Each teaching is aimed at equipping learners with the skills and knowledge required to evaluate, communicate and apply the biblical narrative to a specific contemporary ministry context.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Seeing the Bible as One Story
  3. Orientation/Creation
  4. The Plot: Solution: The Patriarchal Narratives
  5. YHWH is crowned Israel’s King
  6. The Former Prophets: from Conquest to Exile
  7. The Ups & Downs of Samuel
  8. The Latter Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel & Twelve
  9. Jeremiah: The Weeping Prophet
  10. The Writings
  11. Lamentations: the Shedding of Righteous Blood
  12. Who is Jesus?
  13. The Crescendo of Jesus
  14. The New Covenant
  15. Epistles: New Covenant Prophets
  16. Good Deeds are Essential
  17. The Hope of Resurrection

About your instructor

Matthew Jarlett 150 x 150 opt

Matthew Jarlett

Following the completion of his Bachelor of Arts (Biblical Studies), Matthew assumed the Vocational Education Course Supervisor role with Harvest Bible College.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 2,049 reviews)
Very good11%

Biblical narrative


The lectures on biblical narrative are very enlightening. They help one to understand the fusion between historical and cultural contexts, and literary contexts of the various biblical writings from creation and how these affect our understanding of the Bible and its application in our contemporary context.

Eric Omandi Ayiera
Avatar for Eric Omandi Ayiera

Good teaching


I love the delivery of content that simplifies even the add concepts.

The summary of is very enriching.

Eliphas Gitonga
Avatar for Eliphas Gitonga



The Bible has to faithfully be reviewed as one spiritually attributed life breathing story.Suddenly Adamic life is bestowed at the Eden of grace,it falls to sin that YHWH judges as death.This truth is exposed in Genesis 3 but in Genesis 4:25-26, Adam’s Seth sirs Enosh who obeys to build the Yahweh’s Church(ekklesia) and the God’s redemption visits that generation.However,there are ups and downs as narrated of former prophets to the latter prophets who are Joshua,Samuel,judges,Kings and Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the twelve respectively.Too,the israelites life takes curve from conquest to exile until the crescendo of Yahweh believed King redeems them through His sent messengers even of apostles as of good news turning points by mystery even to calling once gentiles like Saul to one gospel faith and baptism of chains of preaching grace of repentance to all men.(Matthew 28:19,Acts 9:1-13).

Truly,Christ is living amongst us even now saying I came to those who never sought me(Isaiah 65:1-2) and here He brings life to those willing to obey His will of truth of worship and qualify to eat the best from the land.(Isaiah 1:19,John 4:23).

Therefore,hear only Jesus word voice as the holy spirit presented to us in Matthew 3:17 and you will be planted in the whole land of Israel by Lord’s eternal deliverance never to be uprooted again from David’s Heavenly Ordained and Godly kingdom where Messiah the beloved chose to appear as mercy and love that endures forever amen.

(Amos 9:15, Jeremiah 32:39-40,Psalm 118:29.

Personal Spiritual Growth: Certified - Part 1

Play to Preview Personal Spiritual Growth

This course helps people lay the foundation to develop as a Christian leader through a process of personal and spiritual growth, thus undergirding all their spiritual life and ministry.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Spiritual Growth
  3. How Do I Best Grow?
  4. Growing Through Seasons
  5. Integrity: What is Integrity?
  6. Benefits of Integrity
  7. Building Integrity
  8. What is Character?
  9. Character Development
  10. Spiritual Formation of Leaders
  11. The Power of Surrender
  12. Overcoming Obstacles to Spiritual Growth
  13. Responding to Temptation
  14. Self-Leadership & Self-Mastery
  15. Achieving Self-Leadership & Self-Mastery
  16. Self-Management

About your instructor

Pastor Cheryl Forrest

Pastor Cheryl Forrest

With more than twenty years in ministry, Cheryl brings experience in the areas of: well being coaching, running addiction recovery groups, training new Christians, outreach ministries, overseeing and developing departments, pastoral care and leadership training. Cheryl holds a Master in Arts Ministry.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 1,041 reviews)
Very good9%

Personal health management has enlighten me about my self


This teaching concerning personal health management has throw much light on knowing my self( capabilities and incapabilities). The process to go through in other to achieve my goals and dreams

Bernard Owusu Ansah
Avatar for Bernard Owusu Ansah



The course was very beneficial for my spiritual growth

Simon Shibambu
Avatar for Simon Shibambu

Personal management and spiritual Heath


Hey brethren have learn that, important and ungent, powerful words that l learned today, others , Health and wholeness and more and many examples of God’s people, thanks be blessed Amen

Rodgers musyoki musili
Avatar for Rodgers musyoki musili
Personal Spiritual Growth: Certified - Part 2

Play to Preview Personal Spiritual Growth

This course continues to build foundation spiritual disciplines and leadership practices including; biblical study tools, prayer and spiritual disciplines. Students build a foundation for development as a Christian and as a leader through a process of personal and spiritual growth, thus undergirding all your spiritual life and ministry.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Scripture Reading & Journaling
  3. How to Read the Bible
  4. Bible Reading Program
  5. Leaders & Prayer: What is Prayer?
  6. Prayer Strategies & Spiritual Warfare
  7. What are Spiritual Disciplines?
  8. The Need for Spiritual Disciplines
  9. The Benefits of Spiritual Disciplines
  10. Spiritual Disciplines: Foster, Willard, Whitney & Calhoun
  11. SD Abstinence Part 1
  12. SD Abstinence Part 2
  13. SD Engagement Part 1
  14. SD Engagement Part 2
  15. The Truth Quest & Biblical Submission
  16. Relationships with God
  17. Relationships with Others
  18. Relationships at Work
  19. Being a Catalyst for Growth & Health
  20. How God causes Growth through Adversity
  21. Review & Future Growth

About your instructor

Pastor Cheryl Forrest

Pastor Cheryl Forrest

With more than twenty years in ministry, Pastor Cheryl brings experience in the areas of: well being coaching, running addiction recovery groups, training new Christians, outreach ministries, overseeing and developing departments, pastoral care and leadership training. Cheryl holds a Master in Arts Ministry.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 1,041 reviews)
Very good9%

Personal health management has enlighten me about my self


This teaching concerning personal health management has throw much light on knowing my self( capabilities and incapabilities). The process to go through in other to achieve my goals and dreams

Bernard Owusu Ansah
Avatar for Bernard Owusu Ansah



The course was very beneficial for my spiritual growth

Simon Shibambu
Avatar for Simon Shibambu

Personal management and spiritual Heath


Hey brethren have learn that, important and ungent, powerful words that l learned today, others , Health and wholeness and more and many examples of God’s people, thanks be blessed Amen

Rodgers musyoki musili
Avatar for Rodgers musyoki musili
Work With & Care for Others: Certified

Preview Work with & Care for Others

This Course equips students with practical skills to better understand people, teams and to provide care in a variety of situations. Students will discover how God has uniquely created every person & how we can effectively work with others.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Course Description
  2. Uniquely You
  3. Spiritual Gifts
  4. Self Management
  5. Relational Health
  6. Communication
  7. Conflict
  8. Teams
  9. Followership
  10. Leadership
  11. Pastoral Care
  12. Boundaries & Self Care
  13. Pastoral Care in Church
  14. Pastoral Care Skills & Tools

About your instructor

Regan Perry

Regan Perry

Regan firmly believes that you never stop learning and enjoys creating pathways for others to discover their full potential. He has lead & served on church staff, coordinating teams & interns, and overseen ministry programs and campus facilities.

Course Reviews

4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 78 reviews)
Very good13%

Pastoral care review


I enjoyed this unit and thought it was very well covered and was developed well to adapt in with our effectiveness in working in pastoral care. Easy to understand and relevant information. Case stidies could of been a bit more clearer.

Avatar for Lisa

Thanks Axx Bible College


Thank you Axx for this tremendous opportunity that you giving, I’m honored to be part of this marvelous tutors who took through this journey of learning. I am going to treasure these qualifications I feel very special to be part of this College it really changes lives.

I am unique and I am a steward of the Lord I’m equipped and the law of love is fulfilled through Axx for I am able to study in this authentic College about honest and integrity. I have also learn communication skills and teams, I was called for relationship indeed know I understand the advantages of teams.

Thank you Axx and the entire management.

Xolani Casper Jonas
Avatar for Xolani Casper Jonas

Opening the door of Pastoral Care


It’s natural isn’t it – the more mature you become as a Christian the more you seek to help people, after all it was what Jesus was all about. Then you think ‘Well am I the right person to do that?’

This unit has been a thought provoking, prayer inspiring process of learning about my own gifts, drivers and abilities when thinking about Pastoral Care. It has been so valuable to be taken through both the practical and spiritual considerations to be made when deciding if you should engage with the important role of caring for other people.

It has been incredibly helpful to be taken through the DISC personality test and then applying that to a potential team situation. Being reminded of my personality type made me so much more aware of how I work, communicate, handle conflict and want to be treated myself. This subject certainly reminded me of issues that I would need to be careful of when working in a team.

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Certification of Local Church Ministry Enrolment Options

Monthly Subscription

$AUD 95 / mo
  • Certified Training
  • 8 specifically designed courses
  • Access with an active subscription
  • 112 Lessons

3 Monthly Instalments

$AUD 300 / mo
  • Certified Training
  • 8 specifically designed courses
  • Access with an active subscription
  • 112 Lessons
Best Value

Upfront Payment

$AUD 745
  • Certified Training
  • 8 specifically designed courses
  • Lifetime access to all resources
  • 112 Lessons

Certification of Local Church Ministry Snapshot

  • 8 specifically designed courses
  • 112 lessons
  • 29 hours on-demand video
  • Certification
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on computer, mobile devices and TV
  • All learning resources, handouts and E-library at no extra cost
  • Personalised Certified Certificate of Completion

Certification of Local Church Ministry Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 74 reviews)
Very good11%

Growth beyond words


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Important topics and rich teaching material!


Chris Rayner
Avatar for Chris Rayner



I am pleased to present my qualifications for certification in local church ministry. I have undergone extensive theological training, including coursework in biblical studies, pastoral care, and church leadership. My hands-on experience includes serving in various ministry roles, where I have developed skills in preaching, teaching, and community outreach.

I am committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive church environment, and I have actively engaged with my congregation to support spiritual growth and development. My dedication to serving others and my understanding of the challenges faced by local communities have equipped me to make a meaningful impact in ministry.

I am excited about the opportunity to further my service and contribute to the mission of the church through this certification.

Benard kemboi
Avatar for Benard kemboi

Certification of Local Church Ministry Requirements

  • The Certification of Local Church Ministry only requires a desire to learn about the introductory concepts of the Bible and local church ministry.
  • The Certification of Local Church Ministry requires a desire to learn about theology, spiritually caring for yourself and others.
  • A love of God and your local church.
  • Learners are welcome to commence this qualification at any time
  • A computer, tablet or smartphone is required
  • No additional software is required
  • Internet connection is required
  • Lessons are presented in English

All assessment tasks must be completed to be certified

  • Learners are required to complete all video lessons
  • Each lesson has a short multiple choice quiz
  • There are no essays to be written in this qualification
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