Greetings and Welcome to HMCA Academy - Developing Theologian Leaders of the Future

We are thrilled that you have chosen our academy to develop and hone your skills in theological leadership.

Our online courses are designed and developed to provide you with the necessary skills, doctrine, and character to lead your local church, workplace, or community.

Each course will educate and equip you with biblical theology and allow you to apply your knowledge to various ministries. Our aim is to create godly leaders that are dedicated to leading evangelical renewal.

As you articulate yourself with the Bible, you will be able to nurture faithful disciples in the future.

– Pastor Jean-Michel Tchamba

Pastor Jean-Michel Tchamba
"Show me Your ways, LORD, teach me Your paths. Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long."
— Psalm 25:4-5

Academic Level





No Assessments

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I have gone through the courses and find them inspiring and dynamic. They are a catalyst of a journey of unending growth and continued learning in the wholistic knowledge of the word for greater impact in the communities we serve. I will recommend it to anyone with spiritual aspirations and profound hunger for divine blessings.

Welcome to HMCA Academy

Hi Church. So excited to welcome you to HMCA Academy training. This is a place to learn, grow and follow the call of God. Axx ministry training & online Bible College courses are connecting devoted, gifted, Bible-believing teachers with believers who love the Word and are called to serve, lead and grow the Kingdom of God.

These courses are the perfect starting point for a deeper appreciation of the Bible, ministry, spirituality and theology. HMCA Academy guides the learner through the basics of understanding and interpreting the New Testament, the history, the background of the Bible and the biblical concept of servanthood

This is the perfect starting point for a deeper appreciation of the Bible. It is a structured program of study that guides the learner through the basics of the Bible. In addition, there are courses about Baptism and how to grow in your relationship with God. 

Axx is so blessed to partner with passionate believers like  HMCA Academy and Bible-believing local Churches to provide great discipleship courses, Bible college courses and effective ministry training that is accessible and affordable. As a valued member of the HMCA Academy community, you now have access to a range of free courses and training.

Who is the HMCA Academy for

  • HMCA Academy is foundational and is designed for those who want an introductory lessons on how to study the Bible.
  • It is ideal for those seeking an understanding of the Old and New Testaments and how God has communicated with people in the past and continues to speak to us today.
  • It is ideal for those seeking to get the big picture of God.
  • It is perfect for those who want to learn how to read and understand the Bible.
  • Those who are seeking to draw closer to God and deepen your faith, prayer and spirituality.

What you will learn

  • How to read and understand the Bible.
  • Who the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are and your relationship with God.
  • How to draw closer to God and deepen your faith, prayer and spirituality.
  • Leadership principles based on biblical concepts.
  • Ministry skills that will grow your church and ministry.

Included Courses

Ancient Israel Explored

Preview Ancient Israel Explored

Axx Founder & CEO Dr Brendan Roach takes us on a study tour of Israel, and her neighbours Jordan and Egypt. At numerous biblical and archaeological sites he introduces the historic, cultural and religious significance of the location.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Mt Nebo Jordan & Road to Jericho 
  2. Temple Steps Jerusalem & Nativity Bethlehem 
  3. Hezekiah’s Tunnel & Valley of Gehenna Jerusalem
  4. Garden of Gethsemane & Herodian Mansion Jerusalem
  5. Crucifixion & The Garden Tomb Jerusalem 
  6. Essenes Community Qumran & Masada Fortress 
  7. David at EnGedi & Herod the Great at Masada  
  8. Ben Sira Scroll Masada & St Catherine’s Mount Sinai
  9. The Synagogue Nazareth & Twilight Sea of Galilee 
  10. Mount of Beatitudes & Restoration of Peter – Galilee 
  11. Caesarea Philippi & Source of the Jordan Tel Dan
  12. Caesarea on the Mediterranean & High Place Petra  
  13. City of Memphis & Joseph’s Dreams – Egypt

About your instructor

Brendan 01 150 x150 opt

Dr Brendan RoachFounder and CEO of Axx

Dr Brendan Roach has been involved in the professional development and training of pastors and leaders globally for over 25 years. His Biblical expertise is Biblical Archaeology, Leadership Development, First Century History and the Call to Ministry.

Course reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 5 reviews)
Very good0%

visual experience!


I loved how these videos where filmed, adding the visual picture of what we where learning about really helped me!

Avatar for CW



I thoroughly enjoyed ‘Ancient Israel Explored!’ It was so interesting and I didn’t want it to end! The visual of all the different locations really made the information presented come alive. I had many ‘ah ha’ moments. Hezekiah’s tunnel was exceptional! I found all the little details of the course so interesting that I couldn’t stop talking about it to my husband…I hope he didn’t get sick of me! 🙂

Just the little tidbits of information, such as the stone jars that were used when Jesus turned the water into wine. It was fascinating to learn that if they were pottery, made by man’s hands, they would be unclean…but being stone jars, thus made by God, they were pure. This course has really enlightened me and gave me such a thirst and hunger to learn more! I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to learn about the ancient times and culture!

Linda Gardellini
Avatar for Linda Gardellini
Am I Ready for Baptism

Preview Am I Ready for Baptism

Every day around the world thousands of believers are being baptised. Whenever it happens, baptism is at the heart of an amazing journey of faith as a follower of Jesus Christ. You are never too old to take this step, and being baptized as an adult is a wonderful experience. You’re about to participate in an incredibly special ceremony with deep spiritual and historical significance.

This course is a short course that comes from a biblical perspective bringing clarity and understanding to Baptism.  Prepare for your baptism and grow in your spiritual understanding of your next steps in God.  

Curriculum Covered

  1. Am I Ready for Baptism?
  2. Preparing for the Big Day
  3. Baptism your Questions Answered
    • What is Baptism?
    • Why Should I be Baptised?
    • When is the Best Time to be Baptised?
    • What Should I Know Before Being Baptised?
    • If Baptism is so Important why Didn’t Jesus Baptise Anyone?
    • What is the Difference Between Full Immersion and Sprinkling?
    •  I Have Been Baptised Before; Do I Need to be Baptised Again?
    • Who Should Baptise Me?
  4. Baptism Teachings Filmed on Site in Israel
    • The Jordan River and Baptism
    • The Old Testament and the Beginnings of Baptism
    • The Jordan River, the Dead Sea and Sin
    • Miqvah, Ritual Cleansing & the Essences in New Testament Times
    • Mount of Olives – From Ascension to Pentecost
    • Temple Steps – The Day of Pentecost – Baptisms
    • Miqvah and the first Baptisms on the Day of Pentecost
    • Believers, Baptism, Holy Spirit and Miracles

About your instructor

Brendan Roach

Dr Brendan Roach

Founder and CEO of Axx. Dr Brendan Roach has been involved in the professional development and training of pastors and leaders globally for over 25 years. His Biblical expertise is Biblical Archaeology, Leadership Development, First Century History and the Call to Ministry.

Course reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 103 reviews)
Very good8%

Thank you


I understand about baptism

Mwananzida Anzanida Yushuatu.
Avatar for Mwananzida Anzanida Yushuatu.

Helping others who want to baptised


I thank God for your love and your work in spreading his word. This course helped me, as a missionary of the Lord Jesus, to help those who want to be baptised and explain to them what baptism means and what are your duties as a disciple of Christ? May the Lord bless your work and I thank you for this wonderful course.

Chris Alnimri
Avatar for Chris Alnimri

Awsome revelation


This is a great course I especially loved the lesson about the river Jordon and also the history side of baptism

Frederick joyce
Avatar for Frederick joyce
Growing in God

Preview Growing in God

Welcome to Growing in God.

Growing in God is the perfect starting point to discover who you are in God and what are the plans and purposes of God for your life. Whether you are a new believer or a more mature Christian you will be blessed by this clear teaching.

Find out what it means to be born again, saved and set free. You will learn how God has given you a new heart and a new spirit. You will also learn what has not changed and what is next in your journey with God.

We answer the important question, How does God guide me? And discover many different ways that God guides and direct us as individuals. Then we give simple clear guidance on how to read and understand the Bible. You will learn how to use different Bible study tools, online devotional apps and biblical resources.

Finishing with, how to develop and maintain healthy spiritual habits and how to use our God-given gifts to fulfil the plan and purpose of God for our life.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Welcome to Growing in God
  2. Born Again? Saved? Free?
    • What Has Changed? A New Heart and Spirit.
    • What Has Changed? A New Relationship; God & His Family.
    • The Four States of Humanity: 1. Created 2. Fallen.
    • The Four States of Humanity: 3. Redeemed 4. Eternal.
    • What Hasn’t Changed?
    • What Now?
  3. How Does God Guide Me?
    • God Guides us Through Peace and Wisdom.
    • God Guides us Through the Bible.
    • God Guides us Through Angels, Dreams and Visions.
    • God Guides us Through Relationships.
    • God Guides us Through Outward Signs & Circumstances.
  4. Why & How to Read the Bible?
    • Why Read the Bible?
    • How Do I Read the Bible? – Understanding Context.
    • How Do I Read the Bible? – Understanding Genre.
    • How Do I Read the Bible? – Study Aids/Tools/Methods.
    • How Do I Read the Bible? – Devotional Tools/Apps.
  5. Healthy Spiritual Habits
    • Healthy Spiritual Habits of Engagement.
    • Healthy Spiritual Habits of Abstinence.
  6. Stewardship
    • What is Stewardship?
    • The Principle of the First.
    • The Parable of the Talents.
    • Stewarding Spiritual Gifts.
  7. A Life of Purpose
    • A Life of Purpose.

About your instructor

Pastor Cheryl Forrest

Pastor Cheryl Forrest

With more than twenty years in ministry, Cheryl brings experience in the areas of: well being coaching, running addiction recovery groups, training new Christians, outreach ministries, overseeing and developing departments, pastoral care and leadership training. Cheryl holds a Master in Arts Ministry.

Course reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 42 reviews)
Very good7%

Clear and thorough


This was awsome so much about scripture unpacked and made clear and definately provides a deeper understanding of what it means to grow in god thanks

Frederick joyce
Avatar for Frederick joyce

Growing in God


This teaching is excellent for discipleship.

Juvanny Arnaiz Yap
Avatar for Juvanny Arnaiz Yap

Powerful Insight


I have learned so much about how to read and understand the Bible from this course.

Pastor C.E.O
Avatar for Pastor C.E.O
New Testament: Part 1

Preview New Testament

Learn about what happened in between the two Testaments, and how the Jewish and Greco-Roman world shaped the setting of Jesus’ story. You’ll then go straight into the Gospel accounts, pulling apart their key themes, audiences and concepts.

Curriculum Covered

  1. The Intertestamental Period
  2. Varieties of Judaism
  3. The Greco-Roman World
  4. Formation of New Testament Canon
  5. Origins of the Gospel
  6. The Synoptic Question
  7. Gospels as Witness to Jesus
  8. Matthew: Unique Features
  9. Jesus in Matthew
  10. Mark: Unique Features
  11. Jesus in Mark
  12. Luke: Unique Features (1)
  13. Luke: Unique Features (2)
  14. Luke & Social Justice
  15. The Holy Spirit in Luke
  16. John: Unique Features
  17. John & the Synoptic Gospels
  18. Jesus in John
  19. Miracles, Signs & Faith in John

About your instructor

Ashley Crane 150 x 150 opt

Dr Ashley Crane

Ashley is a leading Pentecostal scholar (PhD Murdoch), ministering in a prophetic anointing throughout Australasia and the USA in many churches, conferences and leadership training seminars; he is zealous to see people fully trained and flowing in both the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit. Ashely has been in ministry for 38 years and pastored five cross-cultural churches in Israel, the USA, and Australia. Ashley was the Principal/CEO of Harvest West Bible College for 18 years. Ashley is the VP / Secretary for Celebrate Messiah (Australia), and the pastoral team at Sound City Church (Rockingham).

Uwen Low 150 x 150 opt

Dr Uwen Low

Uwen has recently completed his PhD in the Book of Revelation. His research interests include the Book of Revelation, visual exegesis, postcolonial criticism, performance criticism, and cultural (particularly Asian) readings of the Biblical text. Uwen was a youth pastor for a number of years prior to undertaking full-time bible teaching.

Grant Buchanan

Pastor Grant Buchanan

Prior to Bible teaching, Grant served as a full-time pastor and school chaplain. Although a lecturer in theology and biblical studies with a focus on Pauline theology and the Gospels, Grant also operates as a professional counsellor and is working towards the completion of this Doctor of Philosophy by exploring a pneumatological reading of Galatians in light of 6:15 and the impact this has on Christian identify.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 605 reviews)
Very good6%

Pastoral Epistles


I had learned about Pastors concern, Pastoral topics written to Pastors. Pastoral epistles in the 18th century. Romans to Jude Rae Pastoral letters written to Pastirs. I had learned that I should have to apply Pastoral letters into my life. And I also learned about advice for the Modern Pastors, priorities in teaching,value prophecy and my own gift, be aware of spiritual warfare, be careful whom I should appoint to a leadership roles, train my self in godliness, treat people with respect stand firm for clear principles and to be careful about money.

George Masunga
Avatar for George Masunga

Overview of Paul's life


I had learned about sources for Paul’s life, his letters, Acts early life and education. Conversion of Saul and his early Christian days, Antioch and the first journey. Confrontations over law and gentiles, 2nd and 3rd mission journey, Paul’s later life and execution. I had also learned about other modern issues about Paul. He was the true founder of Christianity. His relationship with other apostles.

George Masunga
Avatar for George Masunga

Acts: Introduction


I had learned that the book of Acts was written by Luke. Luke get information may be from Peter and Paul. Luke was a gentle not a Jew. He helps Theophilus to understand more about Christianity and tell the story for the Christians of the new churches. Provide legitimation of Christianity for new Christians and other to understand. I had learned about 80 geographical references, the mention of 100 people by name, precise locations and tithes, such as consul, Tetrarch, Acritarch, 24 messages (speeches} given in this book of Acts

George Masunga
Avatar for George Masunga
New Testament: Part 2

Preview New Testament

This course looks continues your study into the New Testament, as you explore the structure and characters of the Book of Acts, before turning to the Apostle Paul as you unwrap his epistles to the early church.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Acts: Introduction
  2. Acts: Structure
  3. Acts: Main Characters
  4. Acts & the Holy Spirit Today
  5. Introduction to Paul
  6. Galatians
  7. 1 Thessalonians
  8. 2 Thessalonians
  9. 1 Corinthians
  10. 2 Corinthians
  11. Romans
  12. Ephesians
  13. Philippians
  14. Colossians
  15. Philemon
  16. Introduction to the Pastoral Epistles
  17. 1 Timothy
  18. 2 Timothy

About your instructor

Ashley Crane 150 x 150 opt

Dr Ashley Crane

Ashley is a leading Pentecostal scholar (PhD Murdoch), ministering in a prophetic anointing throughout Australasia and the USA in many churches, conferences and leadership training seminars; he is zealous to see people fully trained and flowing in both the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit. Ashely has been in ministry for 38 years and pastored five cross-cultural churches in Israel, the USA, and Australia. Ashley was the Principal/CEO of Harvest West Bible College for 18 years. Ashley is the VP / Secretary for Celebrate Messiah (Australia), and the pastoral team at Sound City Church (Rockingham).

Uwen Low 150 x 150 opt

Dr Uwen Low

Uwen has recently completed his PhD in the Book of Revelation. His research interests include the Book of Revelation, visual exegesis, postcolonial criticism, performance criticism, and cultural (particularly Asian) readings of the Biblical text. Uwen was a youth pastor for a number of years prior to undertaking full-time bible teaching.

Grant Buchanan

Pastor Grant Buchanan

Prior to Bible teaching, Grant served as a full-time pastor and school chaplain. Although a lecturer in theology and biblical studies with a focus on Pauline theology and the Gospels, Grant also operates as a professional counsellor and is working towards the completion of this Doctor of Philosophy by exploring a pneumatological reading of Galatians in light of 6:15 and the impact this has on Christian identify.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 605 reviews)
Very good6%

Pastoral Epistles


I had learned about Pastors concern, Pastoral topics written to Pastors. Pastoral epistles in the 18th century. Romans to Jude Rae Pastoral letters written to Pastirs. I had learned that I should have to apply Pastoral letters into my life. And I also learned about advice for the Modern Pastors, priorities in teaching,value prophecy and my own gift, be aware of spiritual warfare, be careful whom I should appoint to a leadership roles, train my self in godliness, treat people with respect stand firm for clear principles and to be careful about money.

George Masunga
Avatar for George Masunga

Overview of Paul's life


I had learned about sources for Paul’s life, his letters, Acts early life and education. Conversion of Saul and his early Christian days, Antioch and the first journey. Confrontations over law and gentiles, 2nd and 3rd mission journey, Paul’s later life and execution. I had also learned about other modern issues about Paul. He was the true founder of Christianity. His relationship with other apostles.

George Masunga
Avatar for George Masunga

Acts: Introduction


I had learned that the book of Acts was written by Luke. Luke get information may be from Peter and Paul. Luke was a gentle not a Jew. He helps Theophilus to understand more about Christianity and tell the story for the Christians of the new churches. Provide legitimation of Christianity for new Christians and other to understand. I had learned about 80 geographical references, the mention of 100 people by name, precise locations and tithes, such as consul, Tetrarch, Acritarch, 24 messages (speeches} given in this book of Acts

George Masunga
Avatar for George Masunga
New Testament: Part 3

Preview New Testament

Beginning at the letter to the Hebrews, this course explores the Epistles of James, Jude, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John, and Revelation. You’ll get to know the authors, the audiences and the context of the letters in this study of the New Testament.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Hebrews
  2. James
  3. Jude
  4. 1 & 2 Peter
  5. 1, 2 & 3 John
  6. Revelation
  7. New Testament Survey Summary

About your instructor

Ashley Crane 150 x 150 opt

Dr Ashley Crane

Ashley is a leading Pentecostal scholar (PhD Murdoch), ministering in a prophetic anointing throughout Australasia and the USA in many churches, conferences and leadership training seminars; he is zealous to see people fully trained and flowing in both the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit. Ashely has been in ministry for 38 years and pastored five cross-cultural churches in Israel, the USA, and Australia. Ashley was the Principal/CEO of Harvest West Bible College for 18 years. Ashley is the VP / Secretary for Celebrate Messiah (Australia), and the pastoral team at Sound City Church (Rockingham).

Uwen Low 150 x 150 opt

Dr Uwen Low

Uwen has recently completed his PhD in the Book of Revelation. His research interests include the Book of Revelation, visual exegesis, postcolonial criticism, performance criticism, and cultural (particularly Asian) readings of the Biblical text. Uwen was a youth pastor for a number of years prior to undertaking full-time bible teaching.

Grant Buchanan

Pastor Grant Buchanan

Prior to Bible teaching, Grant served as a full-time pastor and school chaplain. Although a lecturer in theology and biblical studies with a focus on Pauline theology and the Gospels, Grant also operates as a professional counsellor and is working towards the completion of this Doctor of Philosophy by exploring a pneumatological reading of Galatians in light of 6:15 and the impact this has on Christian identify.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 605 reviews)
Very good6%

Pastoral Epistles


I had learned about Pastors concern, Pastoral topics written to Pastors. Pastoral epistles in the 18th century. Romans to Jude Rae Pastoral letters written to Pastirs. I had learned that I should have to apply Pastoral letters into my life. And I also learned about advice for the Modern Pastors, priorities in teaching,value prophecy and my own gift, be aware of spiritual warfare, be careful whom I should appoint to a leadership roles, train my self in godliness, treat people with respect stand firm for clear principles and to be careful about money.

George Masunga
Avatar for George Masunga

Overview of Paul's life


I had learned about sources for Paul’s life, his letters, Acts early life and education. Conversion of Saul and his early Christian days, Antioch and the first journey. Confrontations over law and gentiles, 2nd and 3rd mission journey, Paul’s later life and execution. I had also learned about other modern issues about Paul. He was the true founder of Christianity. His relationship with other apostles.

George Masunga
Avatar for George Masunga

Acts: Introduction


I had learned that the book of Acts was written by Luke. Luke get information may be from Peter and Paul. Luke was a gentle not a Jew. He helps Theophilus to understand more about Christianity and tell the story for the Christians of the new churches. Provide legitimation of Christianity for new Christians and other to understand. I had learned about 80 geographical references, the mention of 100 people by name, precise locations and tithes, such as consul, Tetrarch, Acritarch, 24 messages (speeches} given in this book of Acts

George Masunga
Avatar for George Masunga
Paradigms of Service

Preview Paradigms of Service

We often hear Christians talk about the concept of service, but what does it actually mean? In this series, learn about service from a Biblical perspective, as you unpack what it means to serve as the Church and in the Church.

Curriculum Covered

    1. Biblical Overview of Service
    2. Biblical Overview – Jesus
    3. Biblical Overview of Service: The Church
    4. Serving in the Church
    5. Serving as the Church
    6. Serving and the Church
    7. Practical Servanthood

About your instructor

Regan Perry

Regan Perry

Regan firmly believes that you never stop learning and enjoys creating pathways for others to discover their full potential. He has lead & served on church staff, coordinating teams & interns, and overseen ministry programs and campus facilities.

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 26,769 reviews)
Very good7%



Here at Axx Ministry, our Amazing GOD gives us with excellent professors and materials to impart knowledge so that we can deepen our understanding and experience of spiritual our development.

Avatar for Robert

Jesus is moving!


Penelope Jane Armstrong-Boehk
Avatar for Penelope Jane Armstrong-Boehk

Eye Opening


I thank God for the Ministry of AXX.

I am a busy Pastor, Pastoral Care Practitioner, Husband and father; finding time for my personal development has always been hard.

Through AXX I have been able to study at my own pace whilst juggling family, work and ministry.

May God continue to use AXX for the preparation of God’s people.

Avatar for CC
Towards Belief

Preview Towards Belief

Is it reasonable to be a person of faith? How can we deal with issues of suffering, science, violence, abuse and the supernatural in our consideration of God? Towards Belief is a series that sets out to provide responses to these big questions.

Curriculum Covered

  1. Suffering
  2. The Bible
  3. Supernatural
  4. Religious Violence
  5. Exclusive Faith
  6. Church Abuse
  7. Science and God
  8. Homosexuality
  9. The Church
  10. Towards Belief

About your instructor

OliveTreeMedia square 150 x 150 opt

Olive Tree Media

Through the production of various programs and resources, Olive Tree Media is seeking to introduce people to Jesus, communicate a Christian worldview, and transform beliefs, attitudes and lives. Our resources can be viewed and purchased online, on various television networks around the country, heard on radio and in many Christian bookstores. “But I am like an olive tree, flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever” Psalm 52:8

Course Reviews

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 26,769 reviews)
Very good7%



Here at Axx Ministry, our Amazing GOD gives us with excellent professors and materials to impart knowledge so that we can deepen our understanding and experience of spiritual our development.

Avatar for Robert

Jesus is moving!


Penelope Jane Armstrong-Boehk
Avatar for Penelope Jane Armstrong-Boehk

HMCA Academy Enrolment


HMCA Academy

£ Free
  • 8 Specifically Chosen Courses
  • A Place to Grow
  • A Place to Learn
  • A Place to Follow the Call of God

Free No Credit Card Required

HMCA Academy Snapshot

  • 8 specifically designed courses
  • 137 lessons
  • 31 hours on-demand video
  • Certification
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on computer, mobile devices and TV
  • All learning resources, handouts and E-library at no extra cost


4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 26,769 reviews)
Very good7%



Here at Axx Ministry, our Amazing GOD gives us with excellent professors and materials to impart knowledge so that we can deepen our understanding and experience of spiritual our development.

Avatar for Robert

Jesus is moving!


Penelope Jane Armstrong-Boehk
Avatar for Penelope Jane Armstrong-Boehk

Eye Opening


I thank God for the Ministry of AXX.

I am a busy Pastor, Pastoral Care Practitioner, Husband and father; finding time for my personal development has always been hard.

Through AXX I have been able to study at my own pace whilst juggling family, work and ministry.

May God continue to use AXX for the preparation of God’s people.

Avatar for CC

HMCA Academy Requirements

  • HMCA Academy only requires a desire to learn about the introductory concepts of the Bible, and how I fit into the plans and purposes of God
  • No pre-knowledge is required – enthusiasm is all you need!
  • Learners are welcome to commence this qualification at any time
  • A computer, tablet or smartphone is required
  • No additional software is required
  • Internet connection is required
  • Lessons are presented in English
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